Yet, the kids, mom will be bored! 25 parents who waited until after September 1
Some parents celebrate 1st September as the real feast, though they have not have school. Children are not always excited to go back to school after the holidays. But there are parents who over the summer were clearly tired to entertain them and just waiting for you to take favorite children on bail professional teachers.
The website publishes a selection of "sad" moments when parents re-send the kids to school.
Yet, the kids, mom will miss
Photo source: Boredpanda.sambatucada mom and dad escorted a school bus with tears in his eyes
No, nobody is forced to learn
Mom will worry and be sad without my three Musketeers
Dance of the grieving mother
It is difficult to restrain one's feelings when such
She had seven, and most are adopted. And I need to get ready for school
Father shattered prepares to say goodbye to the children before the beginning of the school year
A loving father wants to stay with the kids longer.
Felicia goes to kindergarten. Mom doesn't know how to live without the girl at least a day
Six ready for school, children sad mother
Two sisters send their son, wiping away a tear
Poor mother! My heart breaks
"Left zero days"
Children don't want to go to school, but what can you do
Mom will wait for my little Princess all day
Happy children looking forward to the first lesson, and my mom already misses
Lord, how is it?! Whose idea was it to take away children from their parents for the whole day?!
Nothing can console this mother
This. Except, perhaps, glass of Chardonnay
Cold Chardonnay, urgently
Dad can't hide emotions. It is pride in the clever-blagorazumnogo children
"The first day without children." Isn't it a tragedy?
It's a nervous smile, just
Actually, of course not. Children is a lot, and the parents are tired, they are real people. But I love my kids and miss them. More than these children can guess. All from the First of September!
via bigpicture.ru/?p=807277
The cat decided to show the parrot who's boss. The reaction of the parrot he was shocked!
She put aluminum foil under the lid of the pans. When I found out the reason, do the same!