This fantastic make-up artist can become anyone

That can be shared between the Italian makeup artist Lucia Pittalis and English Queen Elizabeth II? The fact that Lucia may at any time be reincarnated as Her Majesty, using the power of make-up.
Instagram @lucia_pittalis Site saw a lot of amazing transformations Lucia in well-known personalities. Her work cannot compare with the usual grim — she's a brilliant artist, using herself as a canvas, and the actress masterfully transmits emotions.
Elizabeth II

Al Pacino ("Scarface")
Iggy Pop

Don Vito Corleone

One of the Blues brothers



Jessica Fletcher

Bette Davis

Hulk Hogan

Compare: Lucia, as Jack Sparrow and the movie Jack

And finally, new. Know?

Photo preview of Lucia Pittalis
According to the materials of Lucia Pittalis
See also
How makeup turns ordinary people into celebrities
Stylist showed that any woman can look like a Queen
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