20 films to suddenly twist

Agree, when the plot of the film suddenly changes direction and is twisted in a kind of unexpected loop - it's always very interesting! Revision Website likes this movie. We offer you a wonderful selection of two dozen pictures of the coolest.
Orphan / Orphan (2009)
Gone Baby Gone / Gone Baby Gone (2007)
Secret window / Secret window (2004)
Machinist / El Maquinista (2004)
Donnie Darko / Donnie Darko (2001)
The Village / The Village (2004)
Other / The Others (2001)
Oldboy / Oldboy (2003)
Chinatown / Chinatown (1974)
Seven / Se7en (1995)
Crying game / The Crying game (1992)
Shutter Island / Shutter Island (2010)
Remember / Memento (2000)
Saw: The game of survival / Saw (2004)
Prestige / The Prestige (2006)
Fight club / Fight club (1999)
Jacob's Ladder / Jacob's Ladder (1990)
< br> the Sixth Sense / the Sixth Sense (1999)
Planet of the apes / Planet of the apes (1968)
Suspects / the Usual Suspects (1995)
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