British athletes were happy identical suitcases until we were at the airport

Let the British team and won numerous awards at the recent Olympic Games, they still could not avoid the final test upon arrival home. And all because someone had the idea to ensure all athletes the same syutkeysami and red bags.
We must pay tribute to the athletes - judging by their comments in social media, they took what is happening with humor and truly British composure. < Website is hoping that with medals from the national team of the United Kingdom of such confusion does not arise.
«Hey, anybody seen my red bag?"

«I immediately noticed my suitcase, because it is red"

«There was a lot of fun. We participated in a game called "Find your luggage"

"find it turned out to be harder than winning the competition"

«But we coped. Thanks to British Airways because they treated us royally "

Photos on the preview Nick Dempsey / twitter.com
Based on materials from Bored Panda
See also:
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