This cat is huge and totally irresistible!

Look, this Samson, the largest cat in the New York. And although it is more like a lynx dimensions, in fact, it is a simple meykun. That is not simple, but truly great! < Website is pleased to present you Samson! It weighs about 13 kg, and its length from the ears to the tail - 1 m 22 cm
Samson recently won the honorary title of "largest cat in the New York"

Photo source: Fishki.netVozmozhno, today Samson - the largest cat in the world. The previous holder of the title, the cat Styuri died in 2013. Since the length of Samson only 9 mm less than that of Styuri, he may well be the largest of the living cats 72,067,717
Despite its size and weight, very clever Samson 35,127,679
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«He is not fat or obese, just his muscular stocky figure, like a husky," - says the owner of Samson, Jonathan

«Samson very affectionate cat, but it has character. Giant cat-gentleman - it's about him! "- Say the owners

« He is always waiting at the door of the bedroom, and, going into it in the morning, the first thing jumping on my stomach, "- says Jonathan

«Samson - very kind, sweet and mannered cat" - say the owners

«Samson - not a cat, but a dream! "

via fishki.net/2041776-takogo-kota-vy-ewe-ne-videli.html
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