Unexpected is the reason why car owners in the UAE NEVER exceed the speed of 119 km / h
Site publishes an interesting fact that the user community has shared Peekaboo Rinaticus.
119 km / h "width =« 730 »height =« 487 »srcset =« www.factroom.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1-83-730x487.jpg 730w, www.factroom.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1-83.jpg 1000w »sizes =" (max-width: 730px) 100vw, 730px "title =« unexpected reason why car owners in the UAE has never exceeded speed of 119 km / h "/>Help2travel.ruV 2014 drove a taxi in Fujairah. The taxi driver drove steadily at a rate of 117-119 km / h. Up to 120 is not reached.
I could not resist and asked him, why do not 120? He said that in the Emirates are not buried by the mosque drivers, crashed at a speed exceeding 120 km / h. It is believed that in this case, the driver himself has gone to commit suicide.
via pikabu.ru/story/ne_prevyishay_4409719

119 km / h "width =« 730 »height =« 487 »srcset =« www.factroom.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1-83-730x487.jpg 730w, www.factroom.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/1-83.jpg 1000w »sizes =" (max-width: 730px) 100vw, 730px "title =« unexpected reason why car owners in the UAE has never exceeded speed of 119 km / h "/>Help2travel.ruV 2014 drove a taxi in Fujairah. The taxi driver drove steadily at a rate of 117-119 km / h. Up to 120 is not reached.
I could not resist and asked him, why do not 120? He said that in the Emirates are not buried by the mosque drivers, crashed at a speed exceeding 120 km / h. It is believed that in this case, the driver himself has gone to commit suicide.
via pikabu.ru/story/ne_prevyishay_4409719
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