As dissolve in the environment by means of clothes?

camouflage - clothes for active people that can mask the man on open ground, hiding from prying eyes
From the practicality and wearability field army. form has long been a favorite outfit of many people.
From practicality and wearability Field army uniform has long been a favorite outfit of many. It is not only enthusiastic paramilitary games, hunters and tourists. This mushroom pickers and gardeners, and those who constantly serves technique or associated with the construction. Respect it and fans to ride with the wind on the bike. But to buy a camouflage means not only to acquire a comfortable and durable clothing. It is also the right choice of disguise, if required by hobby or occupation.
Many years have passed since then, when the first camouflage, "Khaki", began to conquer countries and continents. More than 100 years of industry best military minds are working to create camouflage patterns, it spent a lot of money. In the fight for the championship included and private companies, often winning large and well-known research firm. Is it even possible to become completely invisible, merging with the surrounding space? At the present stage of technological development to create such a camouflage, which would cost cheap enough, it is impossible. So before you buy a camouflage uniform, it is necessary to carefully analyze the potential of its application environment.
In the US Army in 2011, adopted by the ACU standard that defines the 3 main colors for patterns: green, brown and gray-green. The most effective algorithm color combinations for specific landscapes considered UCP (Universal Camouflage Pattern). He even called ACU Pattern (ACUPAT). It can be purchased in the forest, desert and urban form. Through the use of special paints and impregnating these patterns well enough to hide from the owner and the PNV. It competes with ACUPAT and development of a private US company called Multicam. This pattern works equally well in the near, medium and long distances to the observer. For our band of interest and Marpat woodland, well hiding in the forest-steppe zone of the owner.
Proven English and German DPM Flecktarn in specific recommendations do not need. But the trademark of the US A-Tacs (Advanced Tactical Concealment System) is worth mentioning. Its sandy digital camouflage A-Tacs AU (Arid / Urban) works fine in arid regions and in the city. This pattern is often camouflaged weapons and equipment, which is applied by means of special technologies. Of interest are, and the main French army camouflage F2 CCE, which often works better than of Woodland, particularly when wet, as well as Italian Vegetato and most modern modification Multiland.
Buy camouflage pattern in innovative American Kryptek will also be a good solution. On the market there are 6 variants of camouflage for a variety of landscapes. Something similar to it, but characterized by a conceptual approach, Ukrainian pattern "Varan" already copied and imitated in many countries. It is the development of Ukrainian brand P1G-Tac®. No less interesting and camouflage Huntsman line ( "Huntsman") and "toad field" and "Toad steppe". It has a good camouflaging properties and new Ukrainian pixel MM-14 (Powder-1). Nfr; t demand in camouflage suits "Dubok", "Forester", "Predator," "White Night", "Flora", "herringbone", focused on the hunting fraternity.
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