All this time you charge the phone the wrong! Pay attention for a moment ...
Many of us are surprised by the fact that the modern phones do not hold a long time, charge the battery, which is why they have to be constantly recharged.
How to charge telefon
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In fact, there is a share of our guilt. Contrary to the popular myth that the phone should be charged at 100%, it is absolutely forbidden to do! At least, so say the representatives of Cade - one of the largest battery manufacturers
. When the phone reaches the maximum battery level , it starts to generate electricity in small portions, which help to maintain this figure. Thus the battery wears out much in a short period of time.
Therefore, you should disconnect the phone from charging before it is fully charged. Cade also insists that it is best to charge the battery in small portions throughout the day. In addition, the battery of modern gadgets are very sensitive to overheating: in charge is better to shoot with phone Case
. If you think this information is important, be sure to tell your friends about it! And also do not forget to learn about the hidden possibilities of your phone.
How to charge telefon

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In fact, there is a share of our guilt. Contrary to the popular myth that the phone should be charged at 100%, it is absolutely forbidden to do! At least, so say the representatives of Cade - one of the largest battery manufacturers
. When the phone reaches the maximum battery level , it starts to generate electricity in small portions, which help to maintain this figure. Thus the battery wears out much in a short period of time.

Therefore, you should disconnect the phone from charging before it is fully charged. Cade also insists that it is best to charge the battery in small portions throughout the day. In addition, the battery of modern gadgets are very sensitive to overheating: in charge is better to shoot with phone Case
. If you think this information is important, be sure to tell your friends about it! And also do not forget to learn about the hidden possibilities of your phone.
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