Traces of resentment, frustration, betrayal, cheating, etc. manifested in the form of stress areas in the body:
From the point of view of psychology unit - a steady body tension, for which there is an actual problem of man;
From the point of view of the functional anatomy of the unit - a state of the tissue, characterized by its shortening, an increase in density and rigidity;
From the standpoint of bioenergy unit - a certain encapsulation of the energy in a particular part of the body.
The mechanism of the blocks: at the time of psychological stress the body is compressed, and the person experiences the whole range of emotions, from the strictly negative to positive and sexually colored. If emotions are understood and manifested, and they were followed by the reaction, the stress goes away, and the situation goes to a social plan and will continue to be governed by social laws already. If no response or a man restrained himself, the voltage - full or partial - left, leading to the fact that in the body, a number of specific locks, and there to "hang" the situation on the level of society.
Compression body is not accidental - it is grouped muscles for an adequate response. For compression to be followed by acting out, ie, parry by any means available to man - physically, energetically, emotionally. The minimum cost-effective way to respond to reflex (on the basis of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes), the most energy-intensive - a reflection of the attack on the mental level.
To do this in the parts of the body that should play back attack (for example, the release of the hands in shock), there is a concentration of energy. If the ejection has not occurred, and the energy will be there, giving rise to a feeling of pain and discomfort. The block is stored in the body as long as does not happen any resolution of the situation by acting out, or (in rare cases) after the treatment, or the problem will cease to be relevant, they say after so many years. Therefore, spiritual growth, which results in a natural reassessment of many events of the past, often leads to significant physical transformation and, on the contrary - the spiritual stagnation invariably leads to chronic stagnation in the body.
Repeated many times a sister situation allows us to speak about sustainable behavioral patterns, and he, in turn, leads to a pattern of the motor.
Evolution in the body of the unit is as follows. At first, it is quite foreign structure such it is felt, a person experiences discomfort, pain or spasm, clearly distinguishes the block boundaries and can imagine it as a foreign object, such as a knife, a nail, a stone or a piece of ice. From a certain point of the block becomes an alien symbiote, a person ceases to feel it. This means that the displacement has occurred events or getting used to it. So we get used to personal circumstances, are getting used to the intolerable situations, we endure in the relations humiliation and pain, etc. For the unit of this kind can be fear, or character trait that people know for themselves, regards as a negative, but nothing is going to do with it, except for this possible or just getting used to it. The body felt such blocks as the usual weakly expressed stress, constantly reminding yourself.
If the psychological trauma a person develops a belief or attitude that will continue to influence the rest of his life, with time blocks are embedded in the personality system. In addition, as a rule, units rarely live alone, preferring to "settle the colonies." Each of them performs its strictly defined task, and together they form a "grid" - shaping the personality constructs.
Units are directly related to the nature of the action and the nature of the response, ie, Blocks appear where there was not a lock pulse occupy the first vacant place. So, if you want to speak, but not in favor, you will have a specific strain of the neck, throat, jaw, cheeks, and lips okologubnogo site. If you want to cry and did not cry, you will strain the forehead, cheeks, tension spread to the nasolabial folds, the eyes, and will compress the chest. If you would like to drop the case, but have not given up, driven by feelings - sad zanoyut shoulders and remind of his stomach.
As a result of receiving the first negative experience or experiences stress deterrence appears to apply a new layer of stress all subsequent times when people will experience the same thing. Thus, a block most similar to a multi-layered cake, with each successive layer is associated with a problem similar to the previous one.
Asanas release blocks on the level of the body, working with consciousness frees blocks on the level of the mind. To secure the release of the blocks needed as the regular practice of maintaining the freedom of the body and work with your consciousness.