After the death of the woman, the doctors performed the examination. The result stunned the world!
In every person's life there are values that he considers most important: someone involved in charity work, someone loves and promotes football, someone is looking for water in the desert, and who is going to go into space, at the risk of not returning home. This story is about a woman who decided to risk their lives in order to once again become a mother.
Sandra Pedro Portugal has brought 8-year-old son, and still decided to yet another pregnancy. There is no greater joy for a family than the news that soon will be updating. So it was with Sandra's family, but this joy was soon overshadowed by a rather ...
Over 37 years of life a woman has accumulated a whole bunch of chronic diseases - nature has not endowed her good health. Sandra suffered several severe pneumonia and even traveled in a coma, had serious heart problems and struggled with kidney tumors. In this connection, the doctors advised her to give up the pregnancy. But she did not listen to them. The desire to become a mother again conquered the fear of death.
The decision was fatal for Sandra: already being pregnant, and knowing that it will be a boy, a woman got into an intensive care unit with a massive brain hemorrhage. Doctors fought for her life for several weeks, but eventually pronounced dead. Her brain is dead, Sandra died.
However, post-mortem examination was like a miracle - a boy in the body of the dead woman was alive! The family and doctors have gone on an unprecedented step: they have decided to support life in Sandra's body to the pregnancy can continue, and thus gave the child a chance! And now, after 107 days, after 32 weeks of pregnancy, was born a healthy boy!
After cesarean Sandra's body was disconnected from devices and handed relatives for burial. But no one can hold back the tears of joy from the fact that the child could be born, though his mother was no longer alive! Even doctors, who are accustomed to such things as birth and death, too, succumbed to the emotions.
It's an incredible story spread around the world! Striking the courage of this woman and the striking achievements of modern medicine, which allowed the family to keep the child. Of course, a pity that Sandra and her son will never see each other, but all the same luck this kid! Share this story with others, even if they learn about the courageous mother who gave her life for the sake of his son's birth.
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Sandra Pedro Portugal has brought 8-year-old son, and still decided to yet another pregnancy. There is no greater joy for a family than the news that soon will be updating. So it was with Sandra's family, but this joy was soon overshadowed by a rather ...

Over 37 years of life a woman has accumulated a whole bunch of chronic diseases - nature has not endowed her good health. Sandra suffered several severe pneumonia and even traveled in a coma, had serious heart problems and struggled with kidney tumors. In this connection, the doctors advised her to give up the pregnancy. But she did not listen to them. The desire to become a mother again conquered the fear of death.

The decision was fatal for Sandra: already being pregnant, and knowing that it will be a boy, a woman got into an intensive care unit with a massive brain hemorrhage. Doctors fought for her life for several weeks, but eventually pronounced dead. Her brain is dead, Sandra died.

However, post-mortem examination was like a miracle - a boy in the body of the dead woman was alive! The family and doctors have gone on an unprecedented step: they have decided to support life in Sandra's body to the pregnancy can continue, and thus gave the child a chance! And now, after 107 days, after 32 weeks of pregnancy, was born a healthy boy!

After cesarean Sandra's body was disconnected from devices and handed relatives for burial. But no one can hold back the tears of joy from the fact that the child could be born, though his mother was no longer alive! Even doctors, who are accustomed to such things as birth and death, too, succumbed to the emotions.

It's an incredible story spread around the world! Striking the courage of this woman and the striking achievements of modern medicine, which allowed the family to keep the child. Of course, a pity that Sandra and her son will never see each other, but all the same luck this kid! Share this story with others, even if they learn about the courageous mother who gave her life for the sake of his son's birth.
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