The first country in the world, renounced deforestation

Norway officially announced the implementation of a policy of "zero deforestation". To save trees, the country refused to use palm oil and other products, for the production of which is necessary to destroy the forests.
For many years, Norway is a consistent policy for the protection of forests. In 2015, she sent $ 1 billion to Brazil, whose territory is growing about 60% of the Amazon rain forest. The investment helped save more than 85,000 square kilometers of tropical forests. In total, over the past decade with the support of Norway and a number of other states in the Brazilian Amazon the amount of tree felling has decreased by more than 75%. From 2011 to 2015, Norway for the same purpose has allocated another South American country, Guyana, $ 250 million.

Two years ago, Norway has agreed with the United Kingdom and Germany to unite efforts aimed at reducing the volumes of deforestation around the world, and the country is now officially announced the "zero tolerance" to the economic sphere. In particular, there will no longer be procured products "forest of origin." As explained by environmentalists, paper for a long time can be made by recycling waste for fuel and building materials, there are many other sources, and the need for palm oil is highly questionable. In addition, the state pension fund has withdrawn from its stock portfolio pulp and paper, coal and other enterprises that are harmful to forests.
According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), for the year, our planet loses from 120 000 to 150 000 square kilometers of forest. WWF leads a visual comparison: it is comparable with the disappearance of 48 football fields every minute. 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions are a result of deforestation. Deforestation also increases soil erosion, breaks the water cycle and affects the livelihoods of millions of people.
via www.nat-geo.ru/nature/872172-pervaya-v-mire-strana-otkazavshayasya-ot-vyrubki-lesa/