25 moments of existential enlightenment that affect their surprise
If you are able to create, differentiate and make conclusions, sooner or later, the eternal questions of life get to your consciousness. It all starts back in the sandbox when the quirky kid picks up your toys, and why does he do it ?! What will happen in the future? What awaits you? That someone invented the play, the role of the already distributed, you only need to play. What about free will? .. Sometimes awareness of the absurdity of what is happening so acute that it is impossible to sleep, wake up, eat, be silent or smile. It simply requires a permit, isolation, her at least some expressions. Search Traces of human responses to the questions asked is not found everywhere. Spontaneous thoughts on the whitewashed walls, phrases, scraps of newspapers and advertisements add up to a fantastic combination ...
... And continued reflection Website publishes a selection of marvelous inscriptions affecting his aching nostalgia ... and a surprise.
Photo source: Bigpicture.ru
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What is your cat has been at night, while you sleep
2 Days a swarm of bees attacked her car. Opened the trunk, she realized why!