Hitler hoped for: The mad German weapons from the Second World
While the German army smashed first Europe and then suffered defeat by the Red Army and its Western allies, in the rear of the Third Reich did not stop the development of weapons which, according to the Germans, was to decide the outcome of the war in their favor. Specialized printed magazine Weapons of WWII in its autumn issue shared amazing selection of images of weapons, which is engaged in the development of the Nazi designers.
< Flying wing Horten Ho 229
Horten Ho 229 bomber, which is often called the flying wing, had the opportunity to climb to a height of 15 thousand meters, carrying nearly a ton of weapons and fly at speeds of over 600 kilometers per hour.
Equipped with two turbojet engines bomber made its first flight in 1944. By the time he was the first and only stealthy aircraft in the world. Subsequent testing of the aircraft were not successful. For example, during the third departure was an accident, one of the engines caught fire, the pilot tried to save the car, but it could not be him. Horten crashed.
< Managed planning to bomb "Fritz-X»
Design first controlled glide bombs "Fritz-X» (SD-1400) in Germany began in 1938 at the Experimental Aviation Institute, led by Professor Kramer. The main tasks of the new items was defeated large enemy ships. The first bomb tests carried out in Italy at the site in Foggia in 1942. At first, the potential of the new weapon was valued high, but later was abandoned. There is a version that it happened due to the fact that only a few planes were adapted to carry bombs of this type.
There is another version, according to which of the guided bombs abandoned due to the effective application of interference on the part of the enemy. With the production of the new weapon was withdrawn in 1944.
< Launch "Wasserfall»
It was the world's first anti-aircraft guided-class "surface-to-air" missile. It was constructed during the 1943-45 biennium. Total weight "Wasserfall" ( "Waterfall") of less than 4 tonnes. She could hit targets at altitudes of up to 20 kilometers. It was assumed that one such missile can destroy an entire squadron of planes. As acknowledged by some experts, among all weapons, which are located at the time of Nazi Germany, "Wasserfall" was the only thing that could change the course of the war in the West.
However, Hitler considered a defensive weapon, in particular, "Wasserfall" defeatist. Therefore, in the production of missiles "ground-to-air" and has not received.
< Mini tanks with remote control
The tiny caterpillar machines (size - 150h85h56 cm) called "bug", working on the two electric motors can be controlled remotely over the wire. Inside the mini-tank was long cables connecting them to the controller. The aim of "bugs" was transportation of explosives and blasting buildings, enemy infantry and tanks. Later electric motors replace gasoline as the former were more expensive.
Rocket interceptor Messerschmitt Me.163 «Comet»
By the end of 1930 in Germany developed rocket fighter capable of speeds up to 960 kilometers per hour. In comparison, the American P-51 Mustang, operated at the time, could fly a maximum speed of 708 km / h
His first combat mission fighter made in May 1944. Despite the superiority in speed over other aircraft operation "Rocket" was not successful. Total these machines have made a few flights, while 10 (in another version - 11) was lost units
Gun "Dora" and "Gustav»
Superheavy gun "Dora" and "Gustav" railway cranes, designed to destroy fortifications, have been developed by the Nazis in the late 1930s.
Giant cannon were placed on special wagons. Their total weight is more than 1300 tons. To service the guns around 5 thousand people were to involve in the field is necessary. "Dora" and "Gustav" could shoot at a distance of over 45 kilometers.
The biggest shells for guns had a weight of about six tonnes. The explosion of a projectile could wipe out an entire city block. During World War II super-heavy cannon were used only a few times, especially on the Eastern front against the Soviet Union. In June 1942, the Nazis used the "Dora" at the siege of Sebastopol.
< Tanks "Mouse" and "Ratten»
Hitler's megalomania led to the creation of yet another giant guns - "Mouse" ( "Mouse"), a huge tank. The largest tanks in the world (at the time) was designed in the period from 1942 to 1945 under the direction of Ferdinand Porsche. Its combat weight was 188 tons.
"Mouse" Hitler, though pleased, but to satisfy an appetite failed. So there was another giant tank at times exceed the size of the "Mouse". His code name was the word "Ratti" ( "Rat"). Weight of the new tools developed under the leadership of engineer Edward Grotte exceeded a thousand tons, length is 35 meters. By the way, in the Soviet Union in 1931, a project like super-heavy tank TG-5 was created. author of the project was the same Grotte. It is believed that the "Rat" was created on the basis of early drawings designer.
The main advantage of the giant was destructive capacity of shells, and the main disadvantage - poor maneuverability (it could not be moved, such as roads and bridges). This tank was not so much the weapons of war as something out of science fiction.
So look model "Rats" and the usual size of the tank.
By the end of the war the Nazi program to create new weapons began to take more and more phantasmagoric character. So, in 1945, Hitler still do not lose hope for a different outcome, required to produce a completely new fighter.
< Fighter Heinkel-162
Machine speeds of up to 900 kilometers per hour and was the fastest at the time. However, not enough pilots to work with such a fighter in the Air Force of Nazi Germany. Therefore, it was decided to put the helm Heinkel boys from the Hitler Youth, and the plane eventually became known as "the People." The implementation of this idea (at the wheel of super-fast fighter boy) was the last trick crazy Hitler.
Successful, but then, this idea was not. Aircraft made haste, allowed a lot of mistakes. Due to manufacturing defects happened many accidents in which young drivers were killed.
Giant and super-weapons, ahead of its time - not only the fruits of violent fantasies of the Nazi dictator. At one time, Hitler also thought overwhelmed urban character. For example, the Fuhrer once set about trying to build on the site of the modern city of Berlin giant, which he conceived, it was to be
capital "world empire". Loading ... Loading ...
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< Flying wing Horten Ho 229
Horten Ho 229 bomber, which is often called the flying wing, had the opportunity to climb to a height of 15 thousand meters, carrying nearly a ton of weapons and fly at speeds of over 600 kilometers per hour.

Equipped with two turbojet engines bomber made its first flight in 1944. By the time he was the first and only stealthy aircraft in the world. Subsequent testing of the aircraft were not successful. For example, during the third departure was an accident, one of the engines caught fire, the pilot tried to save the car, but it could not be him. Horten crashed.
< Managed planning to bomb "Fritz-X»
Design first controlled glide bombs "Fritz-X» (SD-1400) in Germany began in 1938 at the Experimental Aviation Institute, led by Professor Kramer. The main tasks of the new items was defeated large enemy ships. The first bomb tests carried out in Italy at the site in Foggia in 1942. At first, the potential of the new weapon was valued high, but later was abandoned. There is a version that it happened due to the fact that only a few planes were adapted to carry bombs of this type.

There is another version, according to which of the guided bombs abandoned due to the effective application of interference on the part of the enemy. With the production of the new weapon was withdrawn in 1944.
< Launch "Wasserfall»
It was the world's first anti-aircraft guided-class "surface-to-air" missile. It was constructed during the 1943-45 biennium. Total weight "Wasserfall" ( "Waterfall") of less than 4 tonnes. She could hit targets at altitudes of up to 20 kilometers. It was assumed that one such missile can destroy an entire squadron of planes. As acknowledged by some experts, among all weapons, which are located at the time of Nazi Germany, "Wasserfall" was the only thing that could change the course of the war in the West.

However, Hitler considered a defensive weapon, in particular, "Wasserfall" defeatist. Therefore, in the production of missiles "ground-to-air" and has not received.
< Mini tanks with remote control
The tiny caterpillar machines (size - 150h85h56 cm) called "bug", working on the two electric motors can be controlled remotely over the wire. Inside the mini-tank was long cables connecting them to the controller. The aim of "bugs" was transportation of explosives and blasting buildings, enemy infantry and tanks. Later electric motors replace gasoline as the former were more expensive.

Rocket interceptor Messerschmitt Me.163 «Comet»
By the end of 1930 in Germany developed rocket fighter capable of speeds up to 960 kilometers per hour. In comparison, the American P-51 Mustang, operated at the time, could fly a maximum speed of 708 km / h

His first combat mission fighter made in May 1944. Despite the superiority in speed over other aircraft operation "Rocket" was not successful. Total these machines have made a few flights, while 10 (in another version - 11) was lost units

Gun "Dora" and "Gustav»
Superheavy gun "Dora" and "Gustav" railway cranes, designed to destroy fortifications, have been developed by the Nazis in the late 1930s.

Giant cannon were placed on special wagons. Their total weight is more than 1300 tons. To service the guns around 5 thousand people were to involve in the field is necessary. "Dora" and "Gustav" could shoot at a distance of over 45 kilometers.

The biggest shells for guns had a weight of about six tonnes. The explosion of a projectile could wipe out an entire city block. During World War II super-heavy cannon were used only a few times, especially on the Eastern front against the Soviet Union. In June 1942, the Nazis used the "Dora" at the siege of Sebastopol.
< Tanks "Mouse" and "Ratten»
Hitler's megalomania led to the creation of yet another giant guns - "Mouse" ( "Mouse"), a huge tank. The largest tanks in the world (at the time) was designed in the period from 1942 to 1945 under the direction of Ferdinand Porsche. Its combat weight was 188 tons.

"Mouse" Hitler, though pleased, but to satisfy an appetite failed. So there was another giant tank at times exceed the size of the "Mouse". His code name was the word "Ratti" ( "Rat"). Weight of the new tools developed under the leadership of engineer Edward Grotte exceeded a thousand tons, length is 35 meters. By the way, in the Soviet Union in 1931, a project like super-heavy tank TG-5 was created. author of the project was the same Grotte. It is believed that the "Rat" was created on the basis of early drawings designer.
The main advantage of the giant was destructive capacity of shells, and the main disadvantage - poor maneuverability (it could not be moved, such as roads and bridges). This tank was not so much the weapons of war as something out of science fiction.
So look model "Rats" and the usual size of the tank.

By the end of the war the Nazi program to create new weapons began to take more and more phantasmagoric character. So, in 1945, Hitler still do not lose hope for a different outcome, required to produce a completely new fighter.
< Fighter Heinkel-162
Machine speeds of up to 900 kilometers per hour and was the fastest at the time. However, not enough pilots to work with such a fighter in the Air Force of Nazi Germany. Therefore, it was decided to put the helm Heinkel boys from the Hitler Youth, and the plane eventually became known as "the People." The implementation of this idea (at the wheel of super-fast fighter boy) was the last trick crazy Hitler.
Successful, but then, this idea was not. Aircraft made haste, allowed a lot of mistakes. Due to manufacturing defects happened many accidents in which young drivers were killed.

Giant and super-weapons, ahead of its time - not only the fruits of violent fantasies of the Nazi dictator. At one time, Hitler also thought overwhelmed urban character. For example, the Fuhrer once set about trying to build on the site of the modern city of Berlin giant, which he conceived, it was to be
capital "world empire". Loading ... Loading ...
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