10 consecutive months of harassing the dog is hungry, bring it Up Weight 7kg
One evening in the local police station, in the Spanish Granada, entered emergency call. One of the residents found a dog who urgently needed help. The call was forwarded to the organization for the protection of animals and the staff for the nearest shelter dogs immediately went to the specified address.
What they saw them plunged into a genuine shock! The dog, which they found there, apparently so scary hungry that weighed about seven kilograms. Each bone of the skeleton it clearly stood out through the skin. The unfortunate dog immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.
The dog was so exhausted that she could not walk. Veterinarians dubbed it "Barilla". Because it was just so thin as spaghetti same brand.
The dog almost had no chance, she could hardly survive another night. But in her frightened eyes still shone with hope. So says one of the veterinarians who rescued Barilla.
Neither of which feeding could not be considered as dogs internal organs were atrophied. Therefore, Barilla first hit on a drip, which was supposed to start the metabolism. When this step is successfully completed, it tried to feed.
At first, it was a very small portion of water and food 5-6 times a day. So Barilla recovered several kilograms. And as she gained weight, grew her self-confidence.
Activists of the animal rights who saved the dog, think that she is only 10 months old and suspect that all this time she was starving. Torturers restrict it in water and food constantly. In the end, she was lucky.
After a few weeks it was possible to identify the breed of Barilla, as she recovered. Most likely it is a member of the Belgian Shepherd-Métis. And now, when the dog otel, it is possible to estimate how beautiful she is. She was really lucky, because no one knows how much it would have sufficed if the vets have not come in time for her.
And the good news! At Barilla owner came and with it a new home! Spaniard Eduardo Rodriguez decided to take a great dog in the family. With open arms Barilla met his wife, daughter and ... 5 other dogs!
Well, for Barilla started a new life in a close-knit family, and all the bad things that she has gone through, will be forgotten soon. It is necessary to thank the caring people that one phone call to the police rescued the dog from starvation!
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What they saw them plunged into a genuine shock! The dog, which they found there, apparently so scary hungry that weighed about seven kilograms. Each bone of the skeleton it clearly stood out through the skin. The unfortunate dog immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.

The dog was so exhausted that she could not walk. Veterinarians dubbed it "Barilla". Because it was just so thin as spaghetti same brand.

The dog almost had no chance, she could hardly survive another night. But in her frightened eyes still shone with hope. So says one of the veterinarians who rescued Barilla.

Neither of which feeding could not be considered as dogs internal organs were atrophied. Therefore, Barilla first hit on a drip, which was supposed to start the metabolism. When this step is successfully completed, it tried to feed.

At first, it was a very small portion of water and food 5-6 times a day. So Barilla recovered several kilograms. And as she gained weight, grew her self-confidence.

Activists of the animal rights who saved the dog, think that she is only 10 months old and suspect that all this time she was starving. Torturers restrict it in water and food constantly. In the end, she was lucky.

After a few weeks it was possible to identify the breed of Barilla, as she recovered. Most likely it is a member of the Belgian Shepherd-Métis. And now, when the dog otel, it is possible to estimate how beautiful she is. She was really lucky, because no one knows how much it would have sufficed if the vets have not come in time for her.

And the good news! At Barilla owner came and with it a new home! Spaniard Eduardo Rodriguez decided to take a great dog in the family. With open arms Barilla met his wife, daughter and ... 5 other dogs!

Well, for Barilla started a new life in a close-knit family, and all the bad things that she has gone through, will be forgotten soon. It is necessary to thank the caring people that one phone call to the police rescued the dog from starvation!
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