10 important rules of etiquette at work, about which everyone has forgotten

Rules of behavior and common courtesy are for everyone and are applicable in all situations, is not it? And here and there! It turns out that much of what is considered social norms, not good for business. So if you want to be a true professional, then use prompts the international consultant in the field of business etiquette, Barbara Pekter, which talked Business Insider.
< 1. Get up when you are

2. Always apply hand first / first if you higher positions or when you - host
In modern business, this rule applies to both men and women, but many women still do not dare to initiate a handshake, providing it is for men. Business greeting - the same rate for both sexes, as the word "hello", you do not doubt, if you need to talk it
3?. The word "thank you" is allowed to say no more than a couple of times for a meeting

4. At the meeting, or the meeting hold a mobile phone in your pocket and not on the table and not in the hands
5. If you forget a person's name, just admit it
All of us tend to forget names and confuse them, so that there is no crime. If this happens to you, do not try to get out and the more contact the person in any way. Better to say, "I'm sorry, I can not remember your name," - this simply and honestly

6. At business meetings never move your chair to anyone
Educated people it may seem strange, but again, not in the business of acting intersexual etiquette rules (see para. 2), so that the man does not care for a woman, and she does not take offense at it.
< 7. At the working lunch, order as much as a host or a guest
That is, if your partner enjoy an aperitif, snack or dessert, you should also make an order, to keep him company. Do not let your partner was uncomfortable due to the fact that he eats and drinks alone.

8. Do not order too of expensive meals and drinks
< 9. Remember, invite the parties to pay
Again, this is a business rule applies regardless of gender and conventional social norms. If a woman is the mistress of the meeting, and the man of her guest, she takes the costs. But what if a man breaks pay? In this case, for example, say, "Do not worry, I'm not crying, but firm." The owner, a man, by the way, can do the same if his guests evince a desire to pay. The main thing - in any case not to make because of this dispute. Therefore, if in spite of everything a guest-a man insists on paying, the woman is better to give him.

10. Leaving the meeting, you need to talk, not to listen to
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