25 things to do in April

The street has become warmer, the trees are shrouded in a haze of color and the first greenery, chirping birds begins the morning, and the yards and parks filled with people. This April -. A month, when spring comes fully into force
Website adores April and is divided into a list of things that will help him to feel the magic
Defer all urgent cases are endless, about half an hour to turn off mobile and just sit on a bench in the park, enjoying the scents of spring flowering trees and the chirping of birds.

at the weekend out in the woods - enjoy to blossom willow, look for the mother-and-stepmother, and awakened ladybugs, collect birch or pine buds, then to brew flavorful vitamin tea.
Buy-most favorite ice cream, and eat it with delight, basking in the rays of the April sun.

Open velosezon. Biking - a great way to exercise and know their city better. On a bike, you can visit places that are hard to reach on foot or by car. Grab the camera and go for new bright impressions. By the way, if you do not have a bicycle, you can take it on rent.
Bring home a few branches and put in water to dissolve the leaves.

Plant herbs on a window sill or a flower in a pot and watch their own spring.
Make spring cleaning: wash the windows, hang new curtains, interior refresh with new parts, in other words, let spring into your home
Prepare fresh fragrant okroshka or cook green soup of sorrel and happy knead cooked at the family table or a favorite movie.

Obeying the spring mood, check out the romantic classics such as "Gone with the wind" by Margaret Mitchell or "Pride and prejudice" by Jane Austen. Or discover the best new products of modern literature, such as the long-awaited novel "Shantaram-2. Shadow Mountain "by Gregory David Roberts' book, or" Little free folk "by Terry Pratchett, has just published the first time in Russian.
Remove and arrange on the balcony" balcony "tea with cookies and sincere conversation.

to celebrate any holiday April, for example, International day of the circus on the third Saturday of April or the International jazz day on April 30.
to get out on a picnic. Of course, the attacks on nature in the May holidays - is sacred. But why not go out of town this weekend? Bask in the sun first, recharge vitamin D and a good mood. And just to spend more time with your family or close friends.

Make a revision of the wardrobe. Frost over, it's time to clean up and remove warm clothes in the closet. At the same time, you can review the entire wardrobe and throw unnecessary. This cleaning helps to put in order not only to things, but also ideas. And also frees up space for the new in our lives. By the way, good things can be unnecessary to give to charity.

Change image. April pleases the first real warm and sunny days. It's time to change something in yourself. New hairstyle, hair color and clothing style - what you need for a great spring mood
Arrange the spring photo shoot on a background of flowering trees and the first green <.. /
Ride horses. Horses - beautiful animals, contact with which is uplifting and children, and adults. Already quite warm, but not hot days of April - a good time for horseback riding in the open air

. Meet up with old friends. In winter it was too cold to often gather in the summer all over again disperse on vacation. But April - the best time to meet with good friends. You can get together on the nature or simply take a walk on a warm spring streets of his native city.
Make a good deal. For example, to remove in his backyard or go as a volunteer in a shelter for homeless animals.

More walking. You can, for example, go to the stop earlier and walk slowly up to the job or at home. You do not rush at full speed, and walk and look around, absorbing dyes, scents and sounds of April.
to draw with crayons on the pavement. Get your hands dirty, smell the crumbling chalk, remember how the yellow sun painted on the pavement and blue-blue clouds. Finally, draw a classic and jump on them. Yes. What?

Log out into the street after a rain. Wander around the city, inhaling the smell of wet asphalt, and wonder how clean and updated looks around the world.
Let the paper boat on the lake or river. If there is no river, stop and spring puddles. Remember, they are done (boats, not puddle). Then remember how to make a hat out of newspaper. And airplane. And rejoice in April, as a child.

To go or to go where long wanted. Not necessarily far, just go where there did not succeed. No matter what it is - a museum, a remote quay or city childhood, most importantly - a sense of spring renewal and completion
Take a large sheet of paper and make a collage of dreams. . Paint, glue, to plan future developments and visualize them on paper. Hang on the wall and know that thoughts materialize.
Most passers-by on the streets smiling. After all, sometimes a smile can warm up even more than the warmest sun's rays.

Photos on the preview: Suchota / Shutterstock
via www.shutterstock.com/gallery-637405p1.html