By the day of memory of Pushkin
< cinico
After drinking tea with dryers,
I never thought before -
For that killed Pushkin,
For that mortally wounded?
What it was zameshena
History insane -
Is it possible for a woman?
Well no! I do not think so ...
Classified as secret
Hypotheses disputes -
Perhaps he, out of poverty,
Contact the creditor?
Perhaps under the influence of
Calculating tricksters,
state The rich brother-in?
Or carried away day-dreams,
Or succumb bliss &,
Joking, frost with roses
He rhymes in "Onegin», -
And this turns out to
Subjecting analytics,
For this mess
He was killed by the critics?
And yet, I'll try
Not tomorrow, but tepericha,
Say a good word
For our Sergeich -
Perhaps he was a genius,
And that is why,
(According to some opinions)
Shot was therefore ...

After drinking tea with dryers,
I never thought before -
For that killed Pushkin,
For that mortally wounded?
What it was zameshena
History insane -
Is it possible for a woman?
Well no! I do not think so ...
Classified as secret
Hypotheses disputes -
Perhaps he, out of poverty,
Contact the creditor?
Perhaps under the influence of
Calculating tricksters,
state The rich brother-in?
Or carried away day-dreams,
Or succumb bliss &,
Joking, frost with roses
He rhymes in "Onegin», -
And this turns out to
Subjecting analytics,
For this mess
He was killed by the critics?
And yet, I'll try
Not tomorrow, but tepericha,
Say a good word
For our Sergeich -
Perhaps he was a genius,
And that is why,
(According to some opinions)
Shot was therefore ...