The travelers found the famous movies filming locations and compared them with the staff of

Tiia Öhman and Satu from Finland Walden created FanGirl Quest project, which is a unique idea that they are traveling on the famous movie filming location for the purpose of landscape compared with the frame. When the place where they filmed some scene found, they choose on the plate frame of the movie and take a picture on the background of the real terrain.
We are in the Website is strongly attracted to the idea and the results of their work. Therefore, we offer you to plunge into the virtual tour for real cinephiles
«Forrest Gump." - Monument Valley, USA

«Thor: The Dark world" - London underground

«Harry Potter '- Gloucester Cathedral, England

«Game of thrones" - port Ballintoy, Northern Ireland

«Star Trek" - Vasquez Rocks, Los Angeles California

«Pirates of the Caribbean" - Greenwich hospital, London

«Downton Abbey" - England

«Smallville» - Vancouver, Canada

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«The Avengers" - New York, USA

«Les Miserables" - London, United Kingdom

«Pride and prejudice" - Lacock, United Kingdom

«Sherlock» (BBC) - London United Kingdom

via www.instagram.com/fangirlquest/
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