"Comet the world flies trouble - and those who are stronger than the troubles"

Rotating the sun over the water - shimmering yin and yang
. Once the Earth was young, younger than you and me.
Was it space as a feather, white, and white clouds chain,
Embroidered comets cradle for his daughter was.
And so, they say, it was beautiful light flowing like mercury,
What shade of huge other planets came to look at her.
Crowded, touching her seas, clear the earth's crust,
And those that are older and wiser, left her gifts.
"To fly you for a long time, - said one - through time and the heavens
. Being home to those who have to battle breast and spring.
Amid the eternal cold be a beacon of June and,
Knit like the constellations, the thread-days over his milky river. »
"Be equal - thinking, said the second - to beggars and kings
. Let everyone who asks will find a role, and the vector and parallel.
Let every word has power, and each song - sound »
. (And the voice of the world, thick night, flickered, as if by magic.)
But satellites tale creak pen, rotating, changing axis.
Of those who came from other worlds, was third uninvited guest
"You, - he whispered, - my child, my best, a special gift:
Let each of your bright edges recoiling socket trouble.
And just like my air is poisonous, like lava flows in me,
As you will place and dislike and bitterness and war.
And they will stray into a ball the way and time to sink in the ice,
So much so, that there is nothing to prevent, predict nothing. »
You know what's next, do not hide your face - all legends among
. Last one's left of the wise men, who did not utter a word.
And the voice is spread like a star, calm and weightless:
"Let there be nothing to guess,
But so be it
In the. »
Here the world at sunset leaves in blue, how long since become a tradition.
Curse works like a clock - cripples, spreads apart,
We cry, frightened bad weather, thrown at random,
And just by chance - year after year - to meet their fate
. Above the sleepy summer dawn rises, the road weaves of the cards.
We took the ticket to the next number, we sat in a reserved seat.
We were enemies - not zli, do not touch! And now - back to back
. That someone accidentally walked into the subway, and someone was dumbfounded.
So - the stranger find the words, and the mountain retreat into the shadows
. So - there was one, it turned out - two, from cold to warmth
. That sinking ship, Wave thunder, but someone grabs tackle.
Rotates old, mad world and somewhere finds us.
Once the Earth was young, younger than me and you.
Comet the world flies trouble - and those who are stronger than the troubles
. Author: Sergey Lachinov
Photos on the preview: Sergey Konovalov
via kon-ser.livejournal.com/