20 little details that few people noticed in the "Fifth Element"
May 1997 at the Cannes Film Festival, the public fi action comedy by French director Luc Besson's "The Fifth Element" was presented to Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, and Gary Oldman in the lead rolyah.Etot film filled with humor and unexpected plot twists so liked by the audience, that it does not cease to revise again and again. But many interesting details and go unnoticed!
< Website offers readers a closer look at some scenes.
1. At the beginning of the film, each character has 5 lines, and on the tattoo Lila - 6Tak was intended? Kinolyapy? We can only guess.
2. "Real" time correctly rasschitano1914 + 300 = 2214.
3. By the way, March 18 - the day of the birth of Luke Bessona
4. The rabbi, a priest and a cardinal just resting behind KorneliusaZachem strain when all of them are solved.
5. Charming cat mat in the apartment Korbena
6. An empty box croquettes «Gemini», this is the product of sponsored the trip to Corbin Flostonsky Ray
7. "The threads of flesh" from which to create the body of Lila, like spagetti
8. Judging by the thick lenses of the glasses, this professional big problems with vision, although it may itself in the laboratory to create a human from virtually nothing can wear - just part of his style
9. The statue of Atlas from the film is very similar to the one that stands in the Rockefeller tsentre
10. Based on these plaques in the film, at McDonald's served 65 trillion klientovMakdonalds stopped counting the number of served visitors in 1994, three years before the movie. At that time, the number stopped at 99 billion.
11. Cornelius house a wide variety of religious atributikiChelovek with mixed religious views!
12. During a call, Corbin touches garlands with the Earth, and Finger starts talking about saving planetyInteresny hint ...
13. Corbin reading manga "Sanctuary"
14. Zorg Logo Corporation on notice of uvolneniiPoluchaetsya, Corbin worked as a taxi driver on the most important bad guy.
15. Brooklyn Bridge behind the flying boat Mr. KimaKorben lived somewhere in Brooklyn.
16. This fun similarity with the "Star Wars"!
17. The famous model of the 1990s, Ève Salvail, played herself in one of the epizodovPomimo Eve in the film starred a few models. A stunning costumes for "The Fifth Element" invented himself, Jean-Paul Gaultier.
18. In this picture you can see the constellation koshkiBessonu definitely like cats!
19. At the word "weakness" Lila show a picture of a vinomKonechno wine is someone's weakness, but what tends to Luke?
20. These "characters" inside the temple - a concrete bloki
21. Lamp, left Corbin and company ruined a symmetrical and beautiful kadr
via fishki.net/1852454-21-detal-kotoruju-vy-mogli-ne-zametit-v-pjatom-jelemente.html
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