25 useful sites that increase the level of intelligence

useless Sometimes we spend our free time, corresponding with friends on social networks, or laying out the next photo in Instagram.
Instead, the Website offers you a selection of extremely useful for self-development sites
Coursera -. Is an educational platform that offers everyone online -Courses from leading universities and organizations around the world Universarium -. a global project, which offers the opportunity to get a quality education from the best Russian teachers and leading universities for millions of Russian citizens Khan Academy -. free education resource contains a collection of more than 4200 free mikrolektsy over all disciplines - from literature to cosmology Udemy -. Fair knowledge in which today there are over 10 million students around the world. The program includes more than 40 thousand courses UNIWEB -. Platform online training, which together with leading universities in developing educational online products with a view to extending quality education in Russian The University without. borders - relevant academic knowledge exchange platform for Russian-speaking audience, regardless of the place of residence, geography, place of work or study, as well as socio-economic status. HTML Academy - online courses, the purpose of which - to turn anyone wanting from the beginner to the professional web development Lumosity -. Site for the development of mental abilities. Like anything new, but Lumosity has a feature: the app selects the individual program of "training" for each individual. Take your time on this exciting project Eduson -! Center online training of future business leaders from around the world. The main method - a variety of courses from leading professors and practitioners successful. Wikihow - site is a collaborative effort of thousands of people to create the most useful walkthrough in the world. In the same way as Wikipedia (Wikipedia), WikiHow is part of the wiki-community, and anyone can write or edit a page on your site Internet School Higher School of Economics -. Courses on the subjects of social and economic profile, math, history, Russian and English languages Lingualeo -. a platform for interesting and effective studying of English, which is already more than 12 million people are registered Memorado -. a free application for smartphones , hereinafter referred to by its creators it as "a real gym for the brain." The game has a huge number of levels - 600, which are represented by a variety of puzzles. Duolingo - free platform for language learning and translation kraudsorsingovovyh. Service is designed so that as you progress through the lessons in parallel to help users translate web sites, articles, and other documents. 4brain - Free training on the development of speed reading skills, oral accounts, creative thinking, public speaking skills, memory, etc. Psychology Today - online magazine dedicated exclusively to our favorite topic: ourselves. Theme portal covers all aspects of the behavior and mood of the person: mental and emotional health, personal growth, relationships, sex, parenting, and more Brainexer - a site with a large number of tests and exercises at an oral account memorization. attention and thinking. Tests are free and available without registration. Despite the fact that the resource is an English, with translation into Russian. Memrise - a unique online platform that uses the most advanced techniques for working with memory, in order to help users remember the information faster and more efficiently than with any other method Vse10 -. Online -trenazher, which gives the opportunity to learn how to type on the keyboard blindly, using all 10 fingers. The site is carried out your stats and overall user rating performance Project Gutenberg -. Electronic universal library of various works of world literature, which was founded in 1971 School Yandex -. Electronic lectures whose primary purpose is to train professionals - both for the Yandex, as well as for the iT-industry as a whole. Curious - site has been created for teachers, students and talented people around the world can share with all their knowledge and skills, but also with the ability to earn sentences -. a website that will help you learn and remember new english words in context sentences. High Performance study materials contributes to a system that monitors the level of language skills Intuit -. Russia's largest online university with the possibility of higher and second higher education and professional training and advanced training . Lectorium - interesting site with a huge number of Russian-speaking lectures on various topics. In addition to lectures there spread videos from various scientific conferences
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