Cholovіki in moєmu tili

< Anna Tantsyura

Cholovіki in moєmu
tili zmіnyuvalisya
Zi shvidkіstyu hundred dvadtsyat Vier Godin on mіsyats
Mali stink rіznі votes
rіznі smells
rіzny kolіr eyes
rіznu dovzhinu hair
i rіznі SNI.
Pong in Torquay rіznomu mene
htos nіzhno
htos bolyache
htos htivo
htos sorom'yazlivo
htos vpevneno
htos tremtlivo.
Ale stink OAO All, Leather s them
Mali spіlnu oznaku-
Pong boule, Yea i nazavzhdi zalishutsya vіdsutnіmi for Me.
Bo Tse deprivation cholovіki direct tіla.
Cholovіk moєї dushі Got
іnakshy viglyad.
The I vіn naygostrіshe s usogo,
I scho small,
matim i ...


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