My happy and negative experiences buying cash register
I'm pretty gullible people. To its business I have always treated seriously, and therefore approached with great attention to its development. I have my own small shop. We work for a long time, and as such problems with customers or suppliers were not. When it came to buying commercial equipment - deal with it quickly, but I even could not imagine that in our time, buy a cash register can cause so many problems. I told him all about it.
When we opened the cash register, we did not exist, the seller is working on a standard calculator. Because of this shortage occurred in the store, and it was decided to get it all so. I like a simple-minded man ordered the cash register into the first store. Goods come in the mail. In appearance the cash register was quite a high quality, but as it is, paradoxically, a couple of days started to "zazhevyvat" paper checks. On my calls to the "wonderful" shop at first did not respond, and then call the service center address. As it later turned out such an address does not exist, and my calls no one answered. We tried to pay for their own repairs, but the master said that the quality of the cash register leaves much to be desired, and it was decided to get rid of him at all.
After this bitter experience, I approached very seriously to the choice of a cash register for the shop. And I finally found a great online store for "Scales AXIS Ukraine", which made the order. So what if I am someone asks & quot; where to buy a cash register - there & quot ;, I will answer, without hesitation. Let me explain why.
I learned many directories online stores. Most of them, that struck me, gave Chinese worthless cash registers of foreign, other stores, greatly inflated prices for their products. I faced with a case when I found a cheap and high-quality unit, ordered and sent to all the other. Naturally, I take it he did not. One sad experience I have had enough. And then, finally, I was lucky to be on the site of "Scales AXIS Ukraine." Prices here I was even surprised, high-quality products. I decided to call the consultants and clarify relevant whether such price, I was told that everything is correct - the actual price. The consultant was very intelligent, spoke about the characteristics of the various cash registers and help determine the choice. We delivered very quickly. The device works flawlessly and cost me much cheaper than the first "semi-workers." So, I sincerely advise you to book in here.
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