70 years ago on the Earth for the first time it took the radio signal reflected from the Moon

Modern technologies surpass dreams and ideas about the current bottom of our ancestors. People without any problems communicating with each other, even if they live on different sides of the globe. NASA plans manned mission to Mars, ESA - the moon. In space and on other planets works quite a lot of different devices.
With these devices to maintain a stable connection, even New Horizons conveys a lot of information , being from Earth in billions of kilometers. In the 40s of the last century, all this has been impossible, but scientists are the first steps have already done. So, January 10, 1946 experts from the United States recorded the first reflected from the lunar surface earth radio. At 11:58 local time (NJ) has been sent such a signal, and after 2, 5 seconds recorded its reflection on Earth.

Left - Check the signal sent to the right - check his reflection from the surface of the Moon i>
The experiment was conducted under the Project Diana , the project has received the name in honor of Diana, goddess of the moon. According to some modern experts, the project and its results have marked the beginning of the American space program. It was the cornerstone launching pad for space communications and radio astronomy today.
Despite the interesting result, participants in the project and to think did not think that all this is the beginning of the space program or the first steps of the program of landing a man on the moon. The main objective of the project was to find out whether the moon reflect the radio signal. No more, no less. At that time people did not think about landing on the moon.
Now these technologies are used to study distant planets and managing a large number of spacecraft. In addition, thanks to this technology, scientists were able to determine the distance to the moon to within a millimeter. Project Diana was one of the minor projects for their contemporaries. But as it turned out, it was he who opened the skies for earthlings.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/268976/
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