Myths and facts about Norilsk
About life in Norilsk goes a lot of myths and the most common of these is the fact that in this city there is no summer. To dispel or confirm this and other myths about this city decided one local resident.
20 facts about Norilsk, which we did not know
10 facts about tea
Excellent pictures and photos on various topics
Interestingly all
Technological disaster
Selection of funny pictures (72 photos)
Funny pictures and photos with the kids
Intriguing facts on thematic pictures
Interesting facts and funny pictures
7 myths and facts about the mortal danger
20 facts about Norilsk, which we did not know
10 facts about tea
Excellent pictures and photos on various topics
Interestingly all
Technological disaster
Selection of funny pictures (72 photos)
Funny pictures and photos with the kids
Intriguing facts on thematic pictures
Interesting facts and funny pictures
7 myths and facts about the mortal danger
Pick-up in the event of a zombie apocalypse
The death penalty in modern Japan