The beneficial properties of honey mixed with cold water.

Honey water - this is truly an amazing tool that is available to absolutely everyone. The positive effect of honey on the body of water can not be overstated.
One teaspoon of honey diluted in a glass of tap water. Obtain 30% solution of honey, the composition of which is identical to the blood plasma. Honey in the raw water forms a cluster of communication (its structures). This increases its healing properties. Honey water absorbed by the body quickly and completely.
The effect of honey water normalizes digestion. Improves the work of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
Increases immunity. Pass chronic colds, bronchitis, and thins out the mucus from the lungs (the natural way - through the intestines).
Pritivoparazitnoe means
Digested blockages in the intestine, soluble stool. There is a bowel disease. Place localization fecal stones located in the waist area. So the first time receiving honey water there are cases of increased waist. But this should not scare you. The explanation is simple: fecal stones swelled, became soft and begin to emerge from the body.
There is a cleaning of the whole body at the cellular level.
Increased anti-bacterial, anti-viral effect.
Normalizes the work of the colon.
Honey water in medical purposes should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. A glass of honey water to drink in one gulp. This is very important. The sphincter of the stomach immediately opened, and the fluid into the intestine, and then absorbed into the bloodstream.
Honey water to wipe the face. It nourishes the skin making it soft, velvety and tender. This natural cosmetics. The most ancient and modern at the same time.