The first meeting Adopted boy with his grandfather, which is so similar
The couple Leslie and Doug Face of the Canadian city of Paradise, in Newfoundland, dreamed of adopting a child. When Doug saw a photo of the little Cyril from Kazakhstan, he immediately thought of his father, and he and his wife began a long process of adoption.
Cyril was born without a right hand, like his father Doug. The child's parents abandoned him when he was only twenty days.
The couple was not easy to adopt Cyril adoption process lasted two years. Doug saw a photo of his son back in 2012: "How could we not adopt this boy when I grew up with the man who has the same hand, and it's never bothered me, and it did not stop at nothing." In June last year the pair first met Cyril.
"The meeting with him was something incredible. We all have been waiting for this. We will never forget this day, "- said Faith.
Before that, some families abandoned the adoption of Cyril of his hands.
Even the judge from Kazakhstan asked the couple, whether they are sure that they want to adopt a child without arms. Doug said, "With all due respect to you, I do not think that this child has some problems. He has no hands, but he was not disabled ».
And on 13 September Face brought her son in Paradise. Then Cyril and I met with his grandfather. Now they do not spill water.
Grandpa Chris became Cyril perfect role model. It is worth noting that the man is a successful businessman, a famous philanthropist, father of a family, and even a party to the Paralympic Games.
: Fishki.net
Cyril was born without a right hand, like his father Doug. The child's parents abandoned him when he was only twenty days.

The couple was not easy to adopt Cyril adoption process lasted two years. Doug saw a photo of his son back in 2012: "How could we not adopt this boy when I grew up with the man who has the same hand, and it's never bothered me, and it did not stop at nothing." In June last year the pair first met Cyril.

"The meeting with him was something incredible. We all have been waiting for this. We will never forget this day, "- said Faith.

Before that, some families abandoned the adoption of Cyril of his hands.

Even the judge from Kazakhstan asked the couple, whether they are sure that they want to adopt a child without arms. Doug said, "With all due respect to you, I do not think that this child has some problems. He has no hands, but he was not disabled ».

And on 13 September Face brought her son in Paradise. Then Cyril and I met with his grandfather. Now they do not spill water.

Grandpa Chris became Cyril perfect role model. It is worth noting that the man is a successful businessman, a famous philanthropist, father of a family, and even a party to the Paralympic Games.

: Fishki.net
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