Loch Ness Monster came up with advertising agents, found British professor
British Professor Garrett Williams learned that the legend of the Loch Ness monster that lived in the same Scottish loch, invented an advertising agent who was paid the owners of local hotels. The site explains the details.
The legend of the mysterious monster invented by writer Digby George Gareth, who in the 1930s worked as an advertising agent. Williams found out that Gareth over a beer at the bar offered to invent a mysterious legend owners of hotels near Inverness industrial center, affected by the economic crisis.
Businessmen liked this idea, and they paid the agent 150 pounds, which was at that time a lot of money for something that he figured out how to get people to believe in this story. Then, according to Professor Gareth he hired a local journalist who published the story Water Inspector Alex Campbell of the Loch Ness monster, and then kept the rumors about him. Skeptics have previously pointed out that one of the first witnesses, Mr. McKay, was the owner of the hotel in Inverness.
Already in 1980, in a letter to his friend the chemist Henry Bauer Gareth admitted that he invented the story and showed off his PR move.
At the thought of the monster his belief prompted the inhabitants of the coast of the Canadian Okanagan Lake. They believe that the body of water inhabited by a monster named Ogopogo about six meters in length with a head resembling a horse or a goat. Records of meetings with him there in 1872.
Peak mention of the Loch Ness monster came in the 1930s, although many agree that the first stories about him have met many centuries ago. The first detailed account of the meeting with a monster from the words of Campbell was first published in the newspaper "Inverness Courier" in 1933. A few months later he appeared in the press the first blurry pictures «monster».
via www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/loch-ness-monster-just-fantasy-6840324
The legend of the mysterious monster invented by writer Digby George Gareth, who in the 1930s worked as an advertising agent. Williams found out that Gareth over a beer at the bar offered to invent a mysterious legend owners of hotels near Inverness industrial center, affected by the economic crisis.

Businessmen liked this idea, and they paid the agent 150 pounds, which was at that time a lot of money for something that he figured out how to get people to believe in this story. Then, according to Professor Gareth he hired a local journalist who published the story Water Inspector Alex Campbell of the Loch Ness monster, and then kept the rumors about him. Skeptics have previously pointed out that one of the first witnesses, Mr. McKay, was the owner of the hotel in Inverness.
Already in 1980, in a letter to his friend the chemist Henry Bauer Gareth admitted that he invented the story and showed off his PR move.
At the thought of the monster his belief prompted the inhabitants of the coast of the Canadian Okanagan Lake. They believe that the body of water inhabited by a monster named Ogopogo about six meters in length with a head resembling a horse or a goat. Records of meetings with him there in 1872.
Peak mention of the Loch Ness monster came in the 1930s, although many agree that the first stories about him have met many centuries ago. The first detailed account of the meeting with a monster from the words of Campbell was first published in the newspaper "Inverness Courier" in 1933. A few months later he appeared in the press the first blurry pictures «monster».
via www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/loch-ness-monster-just-fantasy-6840324