Meet - Natalia Ogryzko, Absolute Champion Powerlifting
We have not sealed and not mistaken, the photos that you see really a woman. Natalia Ogryzko 39 years she lives in St. Petersburg and is the title of the absolute champion of St. Petersburg Powerlifting and also a multiple champion and winner of St. Petersburg Russia on bodybuilding. Judging by the numerous titles and merits, Natalia is very goal-oriented person, but in the meantime, from an aesthetic point of view, its appearance is puzzling.
http://ax-d.pixfuture.net/w/1.0/afr?auid=538125168&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE video>

http://ax-d.pixfuture.net/w/1.0/afr?auid=538125168&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE video>

Operation "Cinderella" shortening with your fingers to better look with heels
25 photos, which builders nearly to calculate