6 cool ideas on how to hang the frame with pictures
With the advent of digital cameras in all mobile devices, each of us can boast a large number of images. That's just to keep them we're used exclusively on electronic media - the tradition of print images, embed them in frames and albums to collect gradually disappearing.
We are in the Website offer to decorate your interior beautifully hung pictures, because they are reminiscent of the pleasant moments of life and make the house so comfortable.
Square h3> Pretty simple way to post photos, but despite this, at the expense of clear lines looks very advantageous. Place the square frames of the same size at the same distance from each other so that eventually turned the square. The frame can be inserted pictures to a single theme or just collect your favorite pictures in one color - the main thing that they looked harmoniously together.
Gallery h3> Ideal placement of photos in different sizes - arrange them in any order. Start with the most important photos, arranging them in the central part, and then place the others around. For the integrity of the perception of the distance between the photos should be approximately the same.
Mosaic h3> In contrast to the previous version, in this case the scope of different sizes arranged so that their outer sides do not go beyond common borders, creating a square or rectangle. This method is more time consuming, but looks very impressive.
Spiral h3> Put most simply very large or your favorite photo in the center, and the rest - around her. You can create a clear boundary of the outer sides of the frames, but you can just arrange the pictures randomly in a circle.
Photos on the shelves of h3> The shelves are suitable not only for souvenirs and vases, they look great with a photo frame. There are special shelves for pictures - they have a limiter that keeps them securely. This option is ideal interior decoration fickle natures, as it allows at any time to change the photos and move them depending on your mood.
Steps h3> This option is the most advantageous to look in the design of the walls of the ladder space. Such walls are usually unfairly empty, but they are perfect for placing images. Hang pictures along the stairs, following the slope, try to choose neutral pictures - you do not want your guests to stumble, zasmotrevshis them.
We are in the Website offer to decorate your interior beautifully hung pictures, because they are reminiscent of the pleasant moments of life and make the house so comfortable.