10 interesting facts about the movie "Robocop", the one in 1987
Ugh, winter is getting closer! It's cold and wet - it's time to get a blanket, pour a great cup of tea with raspberry and review anything from the "classics". For example, "Robocop"! A site just for you to find a dozen very curious facts about the movie.
1. screenwriter Edward Nyumayer came up with it, inspired by the "Blade Runner": there is a police hunt for robots and Nyumayer decided to make a film about RoboCop, preying on people.
2. In his book about Jacques Lacan and cultural philosopher Slavoj Zizek wrote about "Robocop", that the state "between the two deaths," as the main character - is the main fantasy of modernity.
3. In 2013 Nyumayer said that we live in the world, predicted "Robocop": the corporation "care" about the world.
4. Director Paul Verhoeven is known for his love of the Christian way, and he admitted that the image has a lot of Robocop Christ: he tragically died, rose again and just walks on water.
5. site Deja Review authors note that "Robocop" - almost entirely balanced film: if we take the middle of one of the central scenes of the film, all the rest are reflected mirror.
6. «Robocop" covers such topics as: the power of the media, corruption, gentrification, authoritarianism, greed, capitalism, identity and human nature.
7. Contrary to the poster for the film, actor Peter Weller did not fit in the car wearing a suit, so all scenes where Robocop is sitting in the car, it's actually no pants.
8. In Detroit, for several years now want to put a statue of Robocop, and sculptor plans to complete it this fall.
9. «Robocop" - an ironic and satirical film,
but at the same time it affects the important topics of our time and shows that the relationship between man and technology is nothing abnormal, just do not forget about humanity.
10. Paul Verhoeven loves in his films show advertisements, news and TV shows, and "Robocop" is also the main scenes are interrupted by the fact that at the moment goes on TV of the future.
via www.lookatme.ru/mag/live/concept/217401-10-theses-robert-cop

1. screenwriter Edward Nyumayer came up with it, inspired by the "Blade Runner": there is a police hunt for robots and Nyumayer decided to make a film about RoboCop, preying on people.
2. In his book about Jacques Lacan and cultural philosopher Slavoj Zizek wrote about "Robocop", that the state "between the two deaths," as the main character - is the main fantasy of modernity.
3. In 2013 Nyumayer said that we live in the world, predicted "Robocop": the corporation "care" about the world.
4. Director Paul Verhoeven is known for his love of the Christian way, and he admitted that the image has a lot of Robocop Christ: he tragically died, rose again and just walks on water.
5. site Deja Review authors note that "Robocop" - almost entirely balanced film: if we take the middle of one of the central scenes of the film, all the rest are reflected mirror.
6. «Robocop" covers such topics as: the power of the media, corruption, gentrification, authoritarianism, greed, capitalism, identity and human nature.
7. Contrary to the poster for the film, actor Peter Weller did not fit in the car wearing a suit, so all scenes where Robocop is sitting in the car, it's actually no pants.
8. In Detroit, for several years now want to put a statue of Robocop, and sculptor plans to complete it this fall.
9. «Robocop" - an ironic and satirical film,
but at the same time it affects the important topics of our time and shows that the relationship between man and technology is nothing abnormal, just do not forget about humanity.
10. Paul Verhoeven loves in his films show advertisements, news and TV shows, and "Robocop" is also the main scenes are interrupted by the fact that at the moment goes on TV of the future.
via www.lookatme.ru/mag/live/concept/217401-10-theses-robert-cop
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