20 amazing facts about human perfection
Watching the animals, we admire their strength, grace and speed. Leo can put one paw, cheetah overtake anyone they want in three jumps, and the elephant is able to carry loads of incredible severity. How did it happen that we humans are weak and inept, it was on the top of evolution? In fact, these experiences are deeply flawed. Man is the most perfect creation of nature, compared with which no one can. Yes, individual characteristics, we can lose, but on the set of parameters win outright. And the site has two full destyatka evidence!
1. To focus the eyes (accommodation) ciliary muscle makes about 100,000 cuts per day. If we were given the same load legs, it would have gone for the day, more than 70 km.
2. Your navel is home to thousands of species of bacteria, with the appearance of some of them it has no scientific explanation. The complexity of this system is not inferior to the ecosystem of the rainforest.
3. During his lifetime, each person produces about 25 000 liters of saliva - enough to fill two swimming pools.
4. Our noses recall of more than 50 000 different scents.
5. The red blood cells may travel through your entire body in about 20 seconds.
6. Our eyes are so sensitive that if the Earth was flat, we could see the light from a candle at a distance of about 30 miles.
7. Our muscles are much stronger than we think. Their power is limited specifically to protect our tendons and muscles from damage. If it does not work, for a maximum voltage of muscles we have currently broken bones and torn ligaments. But this limitation is slightly reduced by the action of adrenaline. This explains the ability of some individuals under stress show the wonders of strength and endurance.
8. An adult consists of 7 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (7 octillion) atoms.
9. Our eyes can distinguish up to 10 million different colors to give more information than any telescope.
10. We are the best long-distance runners on the planet. We are so well run that they are able to drive any animal to such an extent that it dies of exhaustion that was used previously as a method of hunting.
11. Our bodies are actually a little glow in the dark. However, the light which we radiate 1000 times weaker than the minimum level, perceptible to the human eye.
12. Infants are about 60 bones more than adults.
13. Falling in love causes the brain to release the same neurotransmitters and hormones, which are released as a result of amphetamine.
14. human DNA and banana coincides approximately 50%.
15. Our brain produces enough electricity to light a light bulb.
16. in our lives we spend about 10% of waking hours with eyes closed simply because of the blink reflex.
17. The strongest muscle in the human body - is a jaw muscles used in chewing food.
18. If the human brain was a computer he could perform 38,000 trillion operations per second. The most powerful by far the world's BlueGene supercomputer has a capacity that is only 0 and 002% of this value.
19. Our brain can read up to 1000 words per minute.
20. Users fade like snakes, getting rid of the top layer of skin, just do it consistently. Each year, a person loses about 700 grams of the skin, for a lifetime of about 50 kilograms.
via lifehacker.ru/2014/10/02/20-faktov-o-cheloveke/
1. To focus the eyes (accommodation) ciliary muscle makes about 100,000 cuts per day. If we were given the same load legs, it would have gone for the day, more than 70 km.
2. Your navel is home to thousands of species of bacteria, with the appearance of some of them it has no scientific explanation. The complexity of this system is not inferior to the ecosystem of the rainforest.
3. During his lifetime, each person produces about 25 000 liters of saliva - enough to fill two swimming pools.
4. Our noses recall of more than 50 000 different scents.
5. The red blood cells may travel through your entire body in about 20 seconds.

6. Our eyes are so sensitive that if the Earth was flat, we could see the light from a candle at a distance of about 30 miles.
7. Our muscles are much stronger than we think. Their power is limited specifically to protect our tendons and muscles from damage. If it does not work, for a maximum voltage of muscles we have currently broken bones and torn ligaments. But this limitation is slightly reduced by the action of adrenaline. This explains the ability of some individuals under stress show the wonders of strength and endurance.
8. An adult consists of 7 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (7 octillion) atoms.
9. Our eyes can distinguish up to 10 million different colors to give more information than any telescope.
10. We are the best long-distance runners on the planet. We are so well run that they are able to drive any animal to such an extent that it dies of exhaustion that was used previously as a method of hunting.

11. Our bodies are actually a little glow in the dark. However, the light which we radiate 1000 times weaker than the minimum level, perceptible to the human eye.
12. Infants are about 60 bones more than adults.
13. Falling in love causes the brain to release the same neurotransmitters and hormones, which are released as a result of amphetamine.
14. human DNA and banana coincides approximately 50%.
15. Our brain produces enough electricity to light a light bulb.

16. in our lives we spend about 10% of waking hours with eyes closed simply because of the blink reflex.
17. The strongest muscle in the human body - is a jaw muscles used in chewing food.
18. If the human brain was a computer he could perform 38,000 trillion operations per second. The most powerful by far the world's BlueGene supercomputer has a capacity that is only 0 and 002% of this value.
19. Our brain can read up to 1000 words per minute.
20. Users fade like snakes, getting rid of the top layer of skin, just do it consistently. Each year, a person loses about 700 grams of the skin, for a lifetime of about 50 kilograms.
via lifehacker.ru/2014/10/02/20-faktov-o-cheloveke/