10 new species discovered in the last year
According to rough estimates, in the world there are about 8, 7 million species, of which only 20% described. And every year, scientists discover thousands of new vidov.
site offers dozens of the most interesting animals of which the world has learned over the past year.
1. Araguaysky river dolphin (Inia araguaiaensis), Braziliya
A new species of river dolphins inhabits the middle and lower reaches of the river Araguaia. Scientists believe that about 2 million years ago, the river communicated with Amazon, and then changed the channel, resulting in group Amazonian river dolphins found itself isolated from the rest of the population and over time evolved into a separate species
River dolphins have a distant relationship with the sea and dolphins inhabit freshwater Asia and South America. They have thin, long "beak" and small eyes. They do not see, as the muddy river water vision is almost useless.
2. Leopard spider Peacock (Maratus pardus), Avstraliya
The tiny spiders peacocks that live in Australia, can be considered the most beautiful in the world. The females dressed in a modest gray coat, but the males to the abdomen adjacent circular plates decorated with bright multicolored pattern. When a male sees the female, it raises the boards of like a peacock, hoping to conquer the lady impressive sight. To please for sure, the male performs a dance rhythmically waving claws and shaking his "tail».
A new species of spiders Peacock lives in Western Australia and was named "Leopard" for the characteristic spotted pattern and a smooth, catlike movements.
3. Spotted puffer (Torquigener albomaculosus), YaponiyaIstoriya opening of the fish is full of mysteries. Since 1995, at the bottom of the Sea of Japan near the Ryukyu archipelago regularly is a beautiful circular structure with a diameter of about 2 meters. But who creates them and for what purpose - was not known.
Finally it turned out that the males do a new kind of puffers to attract females. Spotted puffers - the only ones in their family who is engaged in building castles in the sand for loved ones. Blowfish is one of the most poisonous fish and at the same time a great delicacy in Korea and Japan, which is known as the puffer fish.
4. stick insects (Phryganistria heusii yentuensis), Vetnam
Size - the main advantage of this stick insects inhabiting the natural reserve Tai Yen-Tu. Its length is 32 cm, and is the second longest insect in the world after the stick insects Chang Borneo (the length of the "champion" - 36 cm).
Given this fact, it seems strange that he had not found before, but for good reason second name detachment stick insects - phasmatodea
5. cockroach wasp Dementor (Ampulex dementor), Tailand
"What do you call a boat, so it will float" - says the captain Vrungel. The discovery of a new type of wasp would have passed unnoticed if not for the name that she chose Visitors Berlin Museum of Natural History. They named the insect in honor of "most-disgusting-being-on-light" from the saga of Harry Potter. Book Dementors feed on emotions and may even suck the soul, so that from a man is only corporeal shell.
Living in Thailand wasp come about with the victims as well: they inject a poison that attacks the nervous system of the cockroach, which is why he loses the ability to move, but does not die.
6. Forest tiger mantis (Dystacta tigrifrutex), Ruanda
A new species of praying mantis found in the national park Nyungve, got its name "Tiger" because of the similarity of methods of hunting with big cats. How and tigers, wingless females of the mantis stealthily pursue prey into the undergrowth , while the winged males flitting among the foliage.
Some of the severity of the inherent nature of the females of many species of predatory insects. So, ordinary mantis famous because females eat the males during or immediately after mating.
7. Indiana slepoglazka (Amblyopsis hoosieri), SSHA
A new kind of slepoglazok lives in caves in southern Indiana. As the name suggests, these little fish are blind - eye they do not have. Help them navigate through space and find each other developed seismosensory channels on the head.
As they get older anal (and sexual) hole at slepoglazok moves forward, so that in adults it is at the throat. It may not be very convenient in everyday life, but the female is much easier to lay eggs in their own gill cavity, where the future of the offspring was safe.
8. Being X (Dendrogramma enigmatica and Dendrogramma discoides), Avstraliya
These unusual creatures have been found off the coast of Australia in 1986 and waited in the wings for nearly 30 years, to literally blow the scientific community.
Dendrogramma enigmatica and Dendrogramma discoides - multicellular organisms, shaped like mushrooms length of about 8 mm in the mouth which is located at the end of the "legs». Scientists have not been able to classify creatures X to any of the known types of animals (though They have a distinct resemblance to goad (jellyfish, coral polyps) and ctenophores, and therefore created a new kind of Dendrogramma.
9. tarantulas Lennon (Bumba lennonii), Braziliya
Uruguayan and Brazilian scientists have discovered a new kind of tarantulas in the state of Para, big fans turned out The Beatles, so named in honor of his discovery of John Lennon
Tarantulas inhabit all continents except Antarctica, and, despite the name, do not feed the birds, although they are strict carnivores.
10. The black-tailed marsupial mouse (Antechinus arktos), Avstraliya
These small nocturnal animals live in the highlands on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. For a long time black-tailed marsupial mice was considered a subspecies of the marsupial mouse Swenson, and only recently, scientists have found that it is an independent form.
Males are characterized by a large loveable. During the mating season, which lasts about two weeks, they do kind of playing 12 hours a day due to the high level of testosterone in the blood
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/top10_vidov_zhivotnyh_otkrytyh_za_poslednij_god_14600/

site offers dozens of the most interesting animals of which the world has learned over the past year.
1. Araguaysky river dolphin (Inia araguaiaensis), Braziliya

A new species of river dolphins inhabits the middle and lower reaches of the river Araguaia. Scientists believe that about 2 million years ago, the river communicated with Amazon, and then changed the channel, resulting in group Amazonian river dolphins found itself isolated from the rest of the population and over time evolved into a separate species
River dolphins have a distant relationship with the sea and dolphins inhabit freshwater Asia and South America. They have thin, long "beak" and small eyes. They do not see, as the muddy river water vision is almost useless.
2. Leopard spider Peacock (Maratus pardus), Avstraliya

The tiny spiders peacocks that live in Australia, can be considered the most beautiful in the world. The females dressed in a modest gray coat, but the males to the abdomen adjacent circular plates decorated with bright multicolored pattern. When a male sees the female, it raises the boards of like a peacock, hoping to conquer the lady impressive sight. To please for sure, the male performs a dance rhythmically waving claws and shaking his "tail».
A new species of spiders Peacock lives in Western Australia and was named "Leopard" for the characteristic spotted pattern and a smooth, catlike movements.
3. Spotted puffer (Torquigener albomaculosus), YaponiyaIstoriya opening of the fish is full of mysteries. Since 1995, at the bottom of the Sea of Japan near the Ryukyu archipelago regularly is a beautiful circular structure with a diameter of about 2 meters. But who creates them and for what purpose - was not known.

Finally it turned out that the males do a new kind of puffers to attract females. Spotted puffers - the only ones in their family who is engaged in building castles in the sand for loved ones. Blowfish is one of the most poisonous fish and at the same time a great delicacy in Korea and Japan, which is known as the puffer fish.

4. stick insects (Phryganistria heusii yentuensis), Vetnam

Size - the main advantage of this stick insects inhabiting the natural reserve Tai Yen-Tu. Its length is 32 cm, and is the second longest insect in the world after the stick insects Chang Borneo (the length of the "champion" - 36 cm).
Given this fact, it seems strange that he had not found before, but for good reason second name detachment stick insects - phasmatodea
5. cockroach wasp Dementor (Ampulex dementor), Tailand

"What do you call a boat, so it will float" - says the captain Vrungel. The discovery of a new type of wasp would have passed unnoticed if not for the name that she chose Visitors Berlin Museum of Natural History. They named the insect in honor of "most-disgusting-being-on-light" from the saga of Harry Potter. Book Dementors feed on emotions and may even suck the soul, so that from a man is only corporeal shell.
Living in Thailand wasp come about with the victims as well: they inject a poison that attacks the nervous system of the cockroach, which is why he loses the ability to move, but does not die.
6. Forest tiger mantis (Dystacta tigrifrutex), Ruanda

A new species of praying mantis found in the national park Nyungve, got its name "Tiger" because of the similarity of methods of hunting with big cats. How and tigers, wingless females of the mantis stealthily pursue prey into the undergrowth , while the winged males flitting among the foliage.
Some of the severity of the inherent nature of the females of many species of predatory insects. So, ordinary mantis famous because females eat the males during or immediately after mating.
7. Indiana slepoglazka (Amblyopsis hoosieri), SSHA

A new kind of slepoglazok lives in caves in southern Indiana. As the name suggests, these little fish are blind - eye they do not have. Help them navigate through space and find each other developed seismosensory channels on the head.
As they get older anal (and sexual) hole at slepoglazok moves forward, so that in adults it is at the throat. It may not be very convenient in everyday life, but the female is much easier to lay eggs in their own gill cavity, where the future of the offspring was safe.
8. Being X (Dendrogramma enigmatica and Dendrogramma discoides), Avstraliya

These unusual creatures have been found off the coast of Australia in 1986 and waited in the wings for nearly 30 years, to literally blow the scientific community.
Dendrogramma enigmatica and Dendrogramma discoides - multicellular organisms, shaped like mushrooms length of about 8 mm in the mouth which is located at the end of the "legs». Scientists have not been able to classify creatures X to any of the known types of animals (though They have a distinct resemblance to goad (jellyfish, coral polyps) and ctenophores, and therefore created a new kind of Dendrogramma.
9. tarantulas Lennon (Bumba lennonii), Braziliya

Uruguayan and Brazilian scientists have discovered a new kind of tarantulas in the state of Para, big fans turned out The Beatles, so named in honor of his discovery of John Lennon
Tarantulas inhabit all continents except Antarctica, and, despite the name, do not feed the birds, although they are strict carnivores.
10. The black-tailed marsupial mouse (Antechinus arktos), Avstraliya

These small nocturnal animals live in the highlands on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. For a long time black-tailed marsupial mice was considered a subspecies of the marsupial mouse Swenson, and only recently, scientists have found that it is an independent form.
Males are characterized by a large loveable. During the mating season, which lasts about two weeks, they do kind of playing 12 hours a day due to the high level of testosterone in the blood
via www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/top10_vidov_zhivotnyh_otkrytyh_za_poslednij_god_14600/
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