5 interesting facts about the inventors of weapons that bears their name
Where did all these colts, Mauser and Kalash? The answer is simple! They invented the Colt, Mauser brothers and Kalashnikov. The site has decided to tell you a little about nih.1. Richard Gatling
American inventor Richard Gatling was the most powerful machine gun, whose descendants are still featured in Hollywood films. The US Army used "grandson" Gatling - six-barrel machine gun M134 'Minigun ».
Richard Gatling, the very first invention, which was drill, famous for having created one of the first true machine gun models, who made more than 700 rounds per minute. But he called his invention Gatling kartechnitsy, and was driven by muscular force gun - the arrows to rotate the handle, driving trunks up to speed.
2. Samuel Kolt
Samuel Colt was not the inventor of the revolver, but it was the company Colt introduced the mass production of such weapons, as a single action revolver, better known as the "Peacemaker", or Colt 45.
Initially the "Peacemaker" was designed for the US cavalry, but the most widespread use it has received in the days of the Wild West. According to one version, in six-Colt used cartridges kalibra.44-40 Winchester, so the Cowboys could use the same ammunition for their rifles and pistols for.
3. John Brauning
Designer-inventor John Browning - "father" of many models of firearms for military and civilian applications. In the name of Browning gun registered 128 patents. The first weapon he began to do in 13 years, and best known for his automatic (self-loading) pistol, the patented Belgian arms company «FN Herstal».
4. Brothers Mauzery
Brothers Peter-Paul and Wilhelm Mauser owned companies that produce small arms (mainly rifles). In 1871 the brothers set up a single-shot rifle for 11-mm cartridge, demonstrated in the Royal Prussian Infantry School in Spandau, and it had adopted as the Gewehr 1871.
As for the legendary gun, sung by Vladimir Mayakovsky, before its creation the brothers managed to invent a gun "Zig-Zag" and in 1896 they had developed self-loading pistol model Mauser C96, which has become, thanks to the cinema and literature, an integral part of the way the security officer or the Commissioner during the Civil War in Russia.
5. Michael Kalashnikov
Lieutenant-General Mikhail Kalashnikov, is best known for the fact that the machine invented the AK-47, the most popular machine in the world, including machines AKM and AK-74 and their modifications. Kalashnikov himself did not like the uncontrolled spread of its models. Michael T. called their weapons "weapons of defense and not of attack».
However, in 2004, of 500 100 firearms were "Kalashnikovs».
To develop from 1946 to 1948 years, AK-47 retains its popularity due to the ease of use, reliability, and the inexpensive production.
via diletant.media/articles/25963143/

American inventor Richard Gatling was the most powerful machine gun, whose descendants are still featured in Hollywood films. The US Army used "grandson" Gatling - six-barrel machine gun M134 'Minigun ».
Richard Gatling, the very first invention, which was drill, famous for having created one of the first true machine gun models, who made more than 700 rounds per minute. But he called his invention Gatling kartechnitsy, and was driven by muscular force gun - the arrows to rotate the handle, driving trunks up to speed.
2. Samuel Kolt

Samuel Colt was not the inventor of the revolver, but it was the company Colt introduced the mass production of such weapons, as a single action revolver, better known as the "Peacemaker", or Colt 45.
Initially the "Peacemaker" was designed for the US cavalry, but the most widespread use it has received in the days of the Wild West. According to one version, in six-Colt used cartridges kalibra.44-40 Winchester, so the Cowboys could use the same ammunition for their rifles and pistols for.
3. John Brauning

Designer-inventor John Browning - "father" of many models of firearms for military and civilian applications. In the name of Browning gun registered 128 patents. The first weapon he began to do in 13 years, and best known for his automatic (self-loading) pistol, the patented Belgian arms company «FN Herstal».
4. Brothers Mauzery

Brothers Peter-Paul and Wilhelm Mauser owned companies that produce small arms (mainly rifles). In 1871 the brothers set up a single-shot rifle for 11-mm cartridge, demonstrated in the Royal Prussian Infantry School in Spandau, and it had adopted as the Gewehr 1871.
As for the legendary gun, sung by Vladimir Mayakovsky, before its creation the brothers managed to invent a gun "Zig-Zag" and in 1896 they had developed self-loading pistol model Mauser C96, which has become, thanks to the cinema and literature, an integral part of the way the security officer or the Commissioner during the Civil War in Russia.
5. Michael Kalashnikov

Lieutenant-General Mikhail Kalashnikov, is best known for the fact that the machine invented the AK-47, the most popular machine in the world, including machines AKM and AK-74 and their modifications. Kalashnikov himself did not like the uncontrolled spread of its models. Michael T. called their weapons "weapons of defense and not of attack».
However, in 2004, of 500 100 firearms were "Kalashnikovs».
To develop from 1946 to 1948 years, AK-47 retains its popularity due to the ease of use, reliability, and the inexpensive production.
via diletant.media/articles/25963143/
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