Alternative slogans Sochi 2014
The Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games Sochi 2014 unveiled the slogan of the upcoming sporting event. Unknown authors offered the world the slogan "hot. Winter. Your ". Internet public could not sreagirovat.Uprazhnyatsya wit and sarcasm - one of the favorite activities of Russian Internet users. And then I turned up a case - the slogan of dubious value such a big event, designed to represent Russia at the international level. Brighter all in inventing alternatives have proven to Lenta.ru publications and Look At Me.
As told in the organizing committee of the Website, the slogan reflects the national character of the Russia, the values of the brand "Sochi 2014", and progressive and innovative approach to the organization and conduct of the Games. "The point after each word draws a parallel with the high-tech" - proudly say the authors.
Alternative varianty
People tvorchestvoZhalkie. Winter. On your.
Beach. * But Guo. We do not care.
Sochi 2014. Understand. Forgive.
Gypsies. Fair. Bear.
to Lenta.ru
Sawing. Spend. Will party
Sell. Buy. Sports hammered
Vodka. Balalaika. Putin
Sochi 2014. Crispy. Sliding. Not yours.
Official informatsiyaOrgkomitet says that first, "dynamic" part of the slogan "Zharkie.Zimnie." Allows you to create multiple individual slogans for any advertising campaigns of the Olympic project. The second - "Yours." - Is constant.
The first part of the slogan, which consists of the words "Zharkie.Zimnie." - Dynamic, it symbolizes movement, evolution and the desire to advance. The word "Hot" reflects the intensity of wrestling and spectator passions and points to the venue of the Games - the southern resort town of Sochi. The word "Winter" tells about the time of the Games, their type, and also reflects the traditional perception of Russia in the eyes of the world.
The last word - "Yours." Symbolizing ownership and the distance to the sometimes very distant events.
Point after each word draws a parallel with the high-tech (.ru) and the emblem of the Winter Games in Sochi.
via twitter.com/lentaruofficial

As told in the organizing committee of the Website, the slogan reflects the national character of the Russia, the values of the brand "Sochi 2014", and progressive and innovative approach to the organization and conduct of the Games. "The point after each word draws a parallel with the high-tech" - proudly say the authors.
Alternative varianty

People tvorchestvoZhalkie. Winter. On your.
Beach. * But Guo. We do not care.
Sochi 2014. Understand. Forgive.
Gypsies. Fair. Bear.
to Lenta.ru
Sawing. Spend. Will party
Sell. Buy. Sports hammered
Vodka. Balalaika. Putin
Sochi 2014. Crispy. Sliding. Not yours.
Official informatsiyaOrgkomitet says that first, "dynamic" part of the slogan "Zharkie.Zimnie." Allows you to create multiple individual slogans for any advertising campaigns of the Olympic project. The second - "Yours." - Is constant.
The first part of the slogan, which consists of the words "Zharkie.Zimnie." - Dynamic, it symbolizes movement, evolution and the desire to advance. The word "Hot" reflects the intensity of wrestling and spectator passions and points to the venue of the Games - the southern resort town of Sochi. The word "Winter" tells about the time of the Games, their type, and also reflects the traditional perception of Russia in the eyes of the world.
The last word - "Yours." Symbolizing ownership and the distance to the sometimes very distant events.
Point after each word draws a parallel with the high-tech (.ru) and the emblem of the Winter Games in Sochi.
via twitter.com/lentaruofficial