Underground Read

There are times when the book can tell a lot about a person. h3> For several years Urit Ben Haim passengers photographed reading the New York subway. This is where they live and coexist with each other, people not only of different appearance and social status, but also with a variety of readers' tastes. About the preferences of ordinary Americans in the literature and described in the project photographer.

After reviewing several dozen pictures, you are surprised to find in the hands of New Yorkers products of some Russian classics: Tolstoy, Nabokov, Bulgakov, Dostoevsky and even Harms.

Read the same!

"The disappearance of the elephant 'Haruki Murakami

"Pale Fire", Vladimir Nabokov


'Master and Margarita', Mikhail Bulgakov

'Gift of Asher Lev' Chaim Potok

'Steve Jobs', Walter Isaacson

'Jungle Book', Rudyard Kipling

'Left Hand of Darkness', Ursula Le Guin

'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' by Douglas Adams

'The Talented Mr. Ripley "Patricia Highsmith

'The doctor is ill', Anthony Burgess

'The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories', Ernest Hemingway

"The Mists of Avalon ', Marion Zimmer Bradley

'Source', Ayn Rand

The Talmud

'Catcher in the Rye', Jerome D.Selindzher

'Castle', Franz Kafka


'Sharps' Gillian Flynn

'Politics', Aristotle

'Naked Lunch', William Burroughs

'Mary, Mary', James Patterson

'Notes from Underground', Fyodor Dostoevsky

'Julius Caesar' by William Shakespeare

'Cases' Daniil Kharms

'Tucked away', Dorothy B. Hughes

'And all lit up', Jonathan Safran Foer

'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley

'Even Cowgirls sometimes sad' Tom Robbins

'Fallen', Lauren Kate

'Ender's Game', Orson Scott Card

'The Great Gatsby', F. Scott Fitzgerald

"Dress your family in corduroy and cotton ', David Sedaris

'Pounds Down and Out in Paris and London' George Orwell

"Don Quixote", Miguel de Cervantes

'Choke' Chuck Palahniuk

'It starts the night', Michael Cunningham

'American', Susan Choi

'Breakfast of Champions', Kurt Vonnegut

'Black Spring', Henry Miller

'Wild Rose', Iris Murdoch

'Naked for you', Sylvia Day

"Atlas Shrugged", Ayn Rand

See also: h3> Books in our lives

Creative book covers

How to read a longer

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