A Moveable Feast
July 21 was born one of the most famous writers of the XX century, a living legend Ernest Heminguey.Na his grave says: "Most of all he loved the fall. Yellow, warm autumn leaves floating in the river on the backs of trout, and the top blue windless sky. Now it will be a part of it forever. " Ernest Hemingway - for readers Ham - for friends, the Pope - for women and their sons, he was a man who made himself, who loved beautiful women who have experienced the richness and glory. And the deceased in its sole discretion.
Legend, which has been created around his unusual personality, was a legend of a man of action, reckless adventurers brave war correspondent, an amateur boxer, hunter, victim of three roads and two plane crashes, husband to four wives, but above all a brilliant writer of short stories and novels.
Website has chosen for you the most interesting pictures and stories from the life of this brilliant man.
Hemingway was born in the family of a doctor and a woman, I love music. While his father tried to convince his son love to medicine and his mother forced to spend hours playing the cello, the boy secretly sat at the books that could only be found in the home library. During the life of any one parent and I did not take it as a writer.
The young fisherman. Ernest Hemingway 1904 g of.
Ernest Hemingway aboard 1915 g of.
The first attempt at writing occurred in the school newspaper: two small story, but it was after they Hemingway finally decided to become a writer. Then there were reports of police for newspapers, where he was taken without even a proper philological education, investigative journalism and notes. And then the First World War, where he went as a volunteer. "I was a big fool, when he went to the war. I thought we were a sports team, and the Austrians - the other team, participating in the contest "- later recalled the writer. The first success of a writer to come up with Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises." But the following work, the novel "A Farewell to Arms", became a sensation even while raging crisis and has sold 80 000 copies.
Ernie wrote while fishing 1916 g of.
Hemingway is recovering after being wounded. Italy, September 1918 g of.
«If you're lucky, and you as a young man he lived in Paris, then wherever you were then, it is up to the end of your days will be with you, for Paris - it is a holiday that is always with you." Ernest Hemingway, Paris 1924 g of.
Hemingway once said: "If two people love each other, it can not end happily." Winner of reckless temper, he was widely known as a ladies' man and conqueror of female hearts. He was married four times, often I fall in love with the same woman, still married to another. All darling called him only the Pope, even the actress Marlene Dietrich, with whom the writer corresponded regularly. Hemingway sincerely loved their children and their women, but nothing could make him stay at home. Because of his beloved often only had to wait patiently for that and writing desperate letters to her husband.
Ernest Hemingway at the helm of his boat, "Pilar", which during World War II, he organizes counter-intelligence against the fascist spies in Cuba and hunt for German submarines in the Caribbean.
Having spent a lifetime Hemingway House, it is most likely would not have written a single line. Why it works from the first words believe unconditionally? Simply Ham had not even invent anything - plots for novels he took from his own life, which was full of adventure.
"A Moveable Feast" - a young writer in France. Safari is described in detail in "The Green Hills of Africa", "The Old Man and the Sea" - a story about his fishing trip off the coast of Cuba, and the experience of the war is reflected in one of the most famous novels of Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls».
Ernest Hemingway and his son Gregory hunting 1941 g of.
The writer works while on safari in Kenya, 1953 g of.
Once Hemingway and his wife, Mary sat at the bar and entered the correspondent of the American magazine, I went to Ernest: "I'm glad to see you!" - And ran to the counter to buy a bottle ... But Hem said, "You know, I do not drink . I am on a diet". - "At what diet? When I came in, you were holding a glass of booze! "-" No, I'm on a special diet. I do not drink shit ».
Ernest Hemingway in his favorite bar Floridita bar, Havana, Cuba.
"What prevents the writer? Drink, women, money and ambition. And the lack of booze, women, money and ambition ».
Hemingway takes a bath, April 1949 g of.
Ernest and Mary Hemingway fed baby gazelle, Kenya, 1953 g of.
"In the light of so many women with whom you can sleep, and so few women with whom you can talk».
Hemingway recuperate after a hand injury, Kenya, 1954 g of.
Piazza San Marco, Hemingway and pigeons, Venice, 1954 g of.
Ernest Hemingway kicks the bank in 1959.
The last years of his life were the most dramatic writer. Survived two world wars and several serious accidents, Hemingway came down from hypertension and diabetes. Somehow, for treatment, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital where the psychiatrist ignored these obvious facts and dealt only with "mental disorders." Hemingway treated with electroconvulsive therapy sessions 20 that destroyed the memory and the ability to formulate thoughts in writing, when required, he could not even write a few words of the official greeting.
Here's what he said he Hemingway: "These doctors that made me an electric shock, the writers do not understand ... Let him all psychiatrists take a lesson in writing fiction, to understand what it means to be a writer ... what was the point to destroy my brain and wash my memory, which is my capital, and throw me on the side of life? »
The writer has plunged into a deep depression and paranoia. It seemed to him that he was being followed by FBI agents everywhere, and that everywhere apart bugs, phones are tapped, and mail and bank account are constantly checked. He could take even bystanders for agents.
Fifty years after his death, on the basis of the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI request was made for Ernest Hemingway. Answer: The surveillance was bugs were wiretapping was too. Wiretapping has even been in a psychiatric hospital, where he was called to report it.
Hemingway at his home in Cuba. Last Photo.
Early in the morning of July 2, 1961, when all in the house were still asleep, Hemingway went to the closet where he kept weapons, chose one of his favorite hunting dvustvolok leisurely loaded it and shot himself in the forehead, leaving a suicide note.
According to the materials: ostrovok.ru (author Maria Titova) Wikipedia
via ostrovok.ru/blog/pravila-puteshestvij-ernesta-xemingueya/
Legend, which has been created around his unusual personality, was a legend of a man of action, reckless adventurers brave war correspondent, an amateur boxer, hunter, victim of three roads and two plane crashes, husband to four wives, but above all a brilliant writer of short stories and novels.
Website has chosen for you the most interesting pictures and stories from the life of this brilliant man.

Hemingway was born in the family of a doctor and a woman, I love music. While his father tried to convince his son love to medicine and his mother forced to spend hours playing the cello, the boy secretly sat at the books that could only be found in the home library. During the life of any one parent and I did not take it as a writer.

The young fisherman. Ernest Hemingway 1904 g of.

Ernest Hemingway aboard 1915 g of.
The first attempt at writing occurred in the school newspaper: two small story, but it was after they Hemingway finally decided to become a writer. Then there were reports of police for newspapers, where he was taken without even a proper philological education, investigative journalism and notes. And then the First World War, where he went as a volunteer. "I was a big fool, when he went to the war. I thought we were a sports team, and the Austrians - the other team, participating in the contest "- later recalled the writer. The first success of a writer to come up with Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises." But the following work, the novel "A Farewell to Arms", became a sensation even while raging crisis and has sold 80 000 copies.

Ernie wrote while fishing 1916 g of.

Hemingway is recovering after being wounded. Italy, September 1918 g of.

«If you're lucky, and you as a young man he lived in Paris, then wherever you were then, it is up to the end of your days will be with you, for Paris - it is a holiday that is always with you." Ernest Hemingway, Paris 1924 g of.
Hemingway once said: "If two people love each other, it can not end happily." Winner of reckless temper, he was widely known as a ladies' man and conqueror of female hearts. He was married four times, often I fall in love with the same woman, still married to another. All darling called him only the Pope, even the actress Marlene Dietrich, with whom the writer corresponded regularly. Hemingway sincerely loved their children and their women, but nothing could make him stay at home. Because of his beloved often only had to wait patiently for that and writing desperate letters to her husband.

Ernest Hemingway at the helm of his boat, "Pilar", which during World War II, he organizes counter-intelligence against the fascist spies in Cuba and hunt for German submarines in the Caribbean.
Having spent a lifetime Hemingway House, it is most likely would not have written a single line. Why it works from the first words believe unconditionally? Simply Ham had not even invent anything - plots for novels he took from his own life, which was full of adventure.
"A Moveable Feast" - a young writer in France. Safari is described in detail in "The Green Hills of Africa", "The Old Man and the Sea" - a story about his fishing trip off the coast of Cuba, and the experience of the war is reflected in one of the most famous novels of Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls».

Ernest Hemingway and his son Gregory hunting 1941 g of.

The writer works while on safari in Kenya, 1953 g of.
Once Hemingway and his wife, Mary sat at the bar and entered the correspondent of the American magazine, I went to Ernest: "I'm glad to see you!" - And ran to the counter to buy a bottle ... But Hem said, "You know, I do not drink . I am on a diet". - "At what diet? When I came in, you were holding a glass of booze! "-" No, I'm on a special diet. I do not drink shit ».
Ernest Hemingway in his favorite bar Floridita bar, Havana, Cuba.
"What prevents the writer? Drink, women, money and ambition. And the lack of booze, women, money and ambition ».
Hemingway takes a bath, April 1949 g of.

Ernest and Mary Hemingway fed baby gazelle, Kenya, 1953 g of.
"In the light of so many women with whom you can sleep, and so few women with whom you can talk».

Hemingway recuperate after a hand injury, Kenya, 1954 g of.

Piazza San Marco, Hemingway and pigeons, Venice, 1954 g of.

Ernest Hemingway kicks the bank in 1959.
The last years of his life were the most dramatic writer. Survived two world wars and several serious accidents, Hemingway came down from hypertension and diabetes. Somehow, for treatment, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital where the psychiatrist ignored these obvious facts and dealt only with "mental disorders." Hemingway treated with electroconvulsive therapy sessions 20 that destroyed the memory and the ability to formulate thoughts in writing, when required, he could not even write a few words of the official greeting.
Here's what he said he Hemingway: "These doctors that made me an electric shock, the writers do not understand ... Let him all psychiatrists take a lesson in writing fiction, to understand what it means to be a writer ... what was the point to destroy my brain and wash my memory, which is my capital, and throw me on the side of life? »
The writer has plunged into a deep depression and paranoia. It seemed to him that he was being followed by FBI agents everywhere, and that everywhere apart bugs, phones are tapped, and mail and bank account are constantly checked. He could take even bystanders for agents.
Fifty years after his death, on the basis of the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI request was made for Ernest Hemingway. Answer: The surveillance was bugs were wiretapping was too. Wiretapping has even been in a psychiatric hospital, where he was called to report it.
Hemingway at his home in Cuba. Last Photo.
Early in the morning of July 2, 1961, when all in the house were still asleep, Hemingway went to the closet where he kept weapons, chose one of his favorite hunting dvustvolok leisurely loaded it and shot himself in the forehead, leaving a suicide note.
According to the materials: ostrovok.ru (author Maria Titova) Wikipedia
via ostrovok.ru/blog/pravila-puteshestvij-ernesta-xemingueya/