8 celebrities worthy of imitation
Not all millionaires and celebrities boast its high position or financial position. And the world's a lot of examples when a person occupying a high position, continues to lead a modest lifestyle. Or does not leave in the past youthful tomfoolery.
After all, money and position in society - not the main thing in our life, and it seems that people that Website in this material want to tell you, got it.
Just Princess Shvetsii
It Madeleine, Princess of Sweden. And yes, she cleans up after her dog. Itself.
The poorest in the world prezident
Jose Cordano - President of Uruguay, but locals call him El Pepe. He donates to charity almost all his presidential salary, making it the poorest (and most generous) president in the world. Jose earns 263,000 pesos Uruguayan (400 000) a month. Himself, he leaves only 26,300 pesos (40 000).
Living in a rural farmhouse. Water for household president is himself from a well in the yard. The biggest purchase of all time was the "Volkswagen Beetle" 1987. Mujica have no bank accounts and no debt.
Senor Mujica sitting in line at the clinic.
Mayor Londona
Mr Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, do not hesitate to go without a tie, sports jacket is available, a backpack and a bicycle helmet. That is not surprising, because it is Boris Johnson is one of the main supporters of the development of cycling in Britain.
Mayor Reykyavik
Yona Gnarr - the acting mayor of the largest city of Iceland, Reykjavik. This person did not study at the university, he was a comedian and a taxi driver, but managed in 2010 to create their own political party and at the same time to call it a sonorous name of "The Best Party". The structure of the party were mostly creative people: artists, musicians, comedians, and none of them had never engaged in politics. Surprisingly, residents chose the mayor is the leader of the party with a numerical index of 34, 7% of the vote.
The ex-mayor of New Yorka
Michael Bloomberg is a very interesting person, even if you do not know what his 13 in the list of the richest people in the world. At the same time the ex-mayor of New York went on the subway. In the photo the mayor is sitting at his workplace in the building of the city council. In a conventional office furniture traditional monitors, paper, graphics, some trinkets and ... jar of peanut butter next to the keyboard.
Hippie billionaire Richard Brenson
Sir Richard Branson - founder of the airline Virgin. For 10 years he managed to turn a small music store into a giant multi-business spread all over the continents. But Branson everything else still and bright, non-standard personality, has been dubbed "hippie billionaire." Last trick biznesmena- appearance at the airport dressed as flight attendants of AirAsia. Moreover, Branson is not just to show off for the cameras - he honestly served the passengers on the flight to Perth flights - Kuala Lumpur.
Legend Google
Sergey Brin - the legend of the computer business, co-founder and president of technology companies Google Inc., a billionaire and one of the richest men in America. But despite it all, Sergei behaves quite modest - still lives in a two-bedroom apartment and drives a Mercedes is not, and Toyota Prius with environmentally friendly hybrid engine. And he loves to go to the "Russian tea Katie" in San Francisco and recommend its guests borscht, dumplings and pancakes.
Billionaire without milliarda
Chuck Feeney - creator of the famous chain stores Duty Free Shoppers. Over the past 30 years he has traveled all over the world, turning the hidden operation to get rid of the capital in the $ 7 5 billion. He made his trading brandy, spirits and cigarettes in his empire. His charitable foundation The Atlantic Philanthropies has invested $ 6, 2 billion in education, science, health, civil rights and the maintenance of nursing homes around the world. By 2020, Chuck Feeney wants to spend all their capital to help the needy.
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After all, money and position in society - not the main thing in our life, and it seems that people that Website in this material want to tell you, got it.
Just Princess Shvetsii

It Madeleine, Princess of Sweden. And yes, she cleans up after her dog. Itself.
The poorest in the world prezident

Jose Cordano - President of Uruguay, but locals call him El Pepe. He donates to charity almost all his presidential salary, making it the poorest (and most generous) president in the world. Jose earns 263,000 pesos Uruguayan (400 000) a month. Himself, he leaves only 26,300 pesos (40 000).
Living in a rural farmhouse. Water for household president is himself from a well in the yard. The biggest purchase of all time was the "Volkswagen Beetle" 1987. Mujica have no bank accounts and no debt.

Senor Mujica sitting in line at the clinic.
Mayor Londona

Mr Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, do not hesitate to go without a tie, sports jacket is available, a backpack and a bicycle helmet. That is not surprising, because it is Boris Johnson is one of the main supporters of the development of cycling in Britain.
Mayor Reykyavik

Yona Gnarr - the acting mayor of the largest city of Iceland, Reykjavik. This person did not study at the university, he was a comedian and a taxi driver, but managed in 2010 to create their own political party and at the same time to call it a sonorous name of "The Best Party". The structure of the party were mostly creative people: artists, musicians, comedians, and none of them had never engaged in politics. Surprisingly, residents chose the mayor is the leader of the party with a numerical index of 34, 7% of the vote.
The ex-mayor of New Yorka

Michael Bloomberg is a very interesting person, even if you do not know what his 13 in the list of the richest people in the world. At the same time the ex-mayor of New York went on the subway. In the photo the mayor is sitting at his workplace in the building of the city council. In a conventional office furniture traditional monitors, paper, graphics, some trinkets and ... jar of peanut butter next to the keyboard.
Hippie billionaire Richard Brenson

Sir Richard Branson - founder of the airline Virgin. For 10 years he managed to turn a small music store into a giant multi-business spread all over the continents. But Branson everything else still and bright, non-standard personality, has been dubbed "hippie billionaire." Last trick biznesmena- appearance at the airport dressed as flight attendants of AirAsia. Moreover, Branson is not just to show off for the cameras - he honestly served the passengers on the flight to Perth flights - Kuala Lumpur.
Legend Google

Sergey Brin - the legend of the computer business, co-founder and president of technology companies Google Inc., a billionaire and one of the richest men in America. But despite it all, Sergei behaves quite modest - still lives in a two-bedroom apartment and drives a Mercedes is not, and Toyota Prius with environmentally friendly hybrid engine. And he loves to go to the "Russian tea Katie" in San Francisco and recommend its guests borscht, dumplings and pancakes.
Billionaire without milliarda

Chuck Feeney - creator of the famous chain stores Duty Free Shoppers. Over the past 30 years he has traveled all over the world, turning the hidden operation to get rid of the capital in the $ 7 5 billion. He made his trading brandy, spirits and cigarettes in his empire. His charitable foundation The Atlantic Philanthropies has invested $ 6, 2 billion in education, science, health, civil rights and the maintenance of nursing homes around the world. By 2020, Chuck Feeney wants to spend all their capital to help the needy.
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