25 comedic and dramatic moments of SMS correspondence
Our life is full of the most unexpected situations, and with the advent of smart phones to tell their friends about it easier. It turned into a real network genre.
Website gathered sms, backed by the whole story.
25 stories that could only happen in the SMS correspondence (part 2)
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/25-istorij-kotorye-mogli-proizojti-tolko-v-sms-perepiske-706710/
Website gathered sms, backed by the whole story.

25 stories that could only happen in the SMS correspondence (part 2)
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/25-istorij-kotorye-mogli-proizojti-tolko-v-sms-perepiske-706710/