Owls steep
Owls - delicious bird. Stunning and beautiful fotomodeli.Fotografy hunters say there are birds that will never get tired of shooting and that give lots of positive emotions. This owl. There are more than 420 species, and they are all very cool.
Although they symbolize wisdom, but do not always look upon the world with a straight philosophical calm. They can and disgruntled mine crouched and glared, and blurred in a smile.
Website also loves owls. Well, because how can you not love them?
Many owls happy to sit in the pouring rain. So they wash feathers.
Owls are very talkative: they can "uhukat" beeping, hissing, screaming, and some species - and loudly laughing.
There have been cases of attacks on the person of an owl.
In captivity, the owl get used to people, heat and learn to produce their own food.
And if you want to know how to weigh the owls, here. So they weighed.
Owlet Tomsk five weeks with his teddy friend.
Owls hear the cockroach crawling on the wall.
Owls do not build nests: take finished or trample a hole straight into the ground.
Owls colonized the entire world. No they, perhaps, only in Antarctica.
The owls have binocular vision, which gives them the opportunity to accurately determine the distance to the chosen victim.
Sovyata get out of the nest, has not yet learned to fly. Who crawling who skipped.
Owls very sociable and love to play.
Owls love to play hide and seek: birds masterful blend with its surroundings.
Owls - the only birds who blinked, lowered the upper eyelid, and do not raise the bottom, all the birds. It gives them a resemblance to a man.
Universal sadness in his eyes.
Owl mother incubates laid eggs at a time. As soon as the first chicks hatch, the female flies on the hunt for food for them. Eggs are deposited later, the older chicks hatch.
The family take care of the older chicks younger: warm and protect them from predators.
Owls see the world in black and white.
Owls have the third - once.
Owls can turn his head 270 ° without harm to health.
Well, well, well ... what are we doing here?
Find owl
I love elephants
30 neighing owls. Just because they can
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/30-rzhuschih-sov-prosto-potomu-chto-mogut-650805/
Although they symbolize wisdom, but do not always look upon the world with a straight philosophical calm. They can and disgruntled mine crouched and glared, and blurred in a smile.
Website also loves owls. Well, because how can you not love them?

Many owls happy to sit in the pouring rain. So they wash feathers.

Owls are very talkative: they can "uhukat" beeping, hissing, screaming, and some species - and loudly laughing.

There have been cases of attacks on the person of an owl.

In captivity, the owl get used to people, heat and learn to produce their own food.

And if you want to know how to weigh the owls, here. So they weighed.

Owlet Tomsk five weeks with his teddy friend.

Owls hear the cockroach crawling on the wall.

Owls do not build nests: take finished or trample a hole straight into the ground.

Owls colonized the entire world. No they, perhaps, only in Antarctica.

The owls have binocular vision, which gives them the opportunity to accurately determine the distance to the chosen victim.

Sovyata get out of the nest, has not yet learned to fly. Who crawling who skipped.

Owls very sociable and love to play.

Owls love to play hide and seek: birds masterful blend with its surroundings.

Owls - the only birds who blinked, lowered the upper eyelid, and do not raise the bottom, all the birds. It gives them a resemblance to a man.

Universal sadness in his eyes.

Owl mother incubates laid eggs at a time. As soon as the first chicks hatch, the female flies on the hunt for food for them. Eggs are deposited later, the older chicks hatch.

The family take care of the older chicks younger: warm and protect them from predators.

Owls see the world in black and white.

Owls have the third - once.

Owls can turn his head 270 ° without harm to health.

Well, well, well ... what are we doing here?
Find owl
I love elephants
30 neighing owls. Just because they can
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/30-rzhuschih-sov-prosto-potomu-chto-mogut-650805/