25 great quotes of our teachers with whom you can not argue
Website has decided to collect the most memorable phrases of teachers who at the time made us long pauses, blush and press in the desk. It seems that over the years they have not changed. And for wisdom and infinite patience limitless thanks to our teachers.
And a bonus for today's students:
You will also enjoy:
40 outstanding citations of our parents
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/40-velikih-citat-nashih-roditelej-s-kotorymi-ne-posporish-728110/
And a bonus for today's students:
You will also enjoy:
40 outstanding citations of our parents
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/40-velikih-citat-nashih-roditelej-s-kotorymi-ne-posporish-728110/