10 books that are taught to never give up

There are days when all the injustices of the world falls on your shoulders and it seems that it is best to give up right now and stop fighting. And often in these moments, the main thing - do not start feeling sorry for yourself, and shake things up and move on.
Website has collected books that will not be merciful to you. They nada slaps you and come back to life, reminding that you can not give up. Because the darkest hour before the dawn always comes.

Jodi Picoult "Angel for Sisters" Anne only 13, but she had already suffered countless operations. She is healthy, but her sister is suffering from leukemia, and the parents are willing to do anything to save her. Actually, Anna was born just to help her. But what would have been her life, if she was not tied to Kate? Anna decides to move that seemed to be difficult for most of us.

Erich Maria Remarque "Spark of Life" Germany, the end of the war, the concentration camp. People who have taken away the freedom, love, hope - life itself. But as long as they have each other, nothing can break them. Let all they have left - it's just a spark of life, but it never goes out. It will give them the strength to smile even on the verge of death - the only spark of light in the darkness.

Ayn Rand's "Source" This book is for decades in the list of the world's best-sellers. The protagonist of the novel, Howard Roark, is fighting with the company for their personal right to work. Fanatical conservatism surrounding forces him to take extraordinary actions. And to prove that even one person can change the world.

Kazuo Ishiguro, "Never Let Me Go" modern parable, a fantastic story to wade shivering, absolutely realistic story, the story Ishiguro not let you go. People whose sad fate is predetermined, and they are not known in advance. They know what they live. They know what will die. And still go on their way. This is one of the most poignant stories of compassion and inhumanity.

Jack London "Martin Eden" "Survival of the fittest" - the motto of the main character autobiographical novel by Jack London. Rude and uncouth, but very strong and determined young man for the love of a woman makes its way from the bottom to the tops - a simple, uneducated man, he became a famous writer. But whether he is ready for everything that lies behind the ephemeral success?

Jojo Moyes' One plus one "in this light and touching story is not horror, global problems, morals, inspirational maxims. Just ordinary everyday life, fun, strange, complicated - in a word, is what it is. It has to fight all of us - even with little trouble. Jojo Moyes teaches that you need to start small, and only then take on big things.

John Green "Blame stars" Teenagers suffering from serious illness, are not going to give up. They are still teenagers - poisonous, restless, explosive, rebellious, and still ready to hate and to love. Hazel and Augustus defy fate. They are not afraid of death, as ordinary jealousy, anger and misunderstanding.
They are together. Now - together. But what lies ahead?

Irving Stone's "Lust for Life" Live and bright biography of Vincent Van Gogh, written by Irving Stone, proves that genius - is not only a gift from above, but also a terrible curse. After all, talent is necessary not only to look his way, but, finding it, to show the wonders of perseverance, courage and endurance to get through all the difficulties to bring to an indifferent world their great ideas.

Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate" It - "War and Peace" of the twentieth century, deafening book knocks down, true from the first page to the last. The one that will lead you through all the circles of hell and make war look at them, not closing his eyes for a second. And then it will show you the people - the living, true, just like you. And in this hell, they will continue to love, to dream, to hope and to fight for a better future.

Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego "White on Black" When you feel that life is unfair and everything goes wrong, just open the book Gallego and stay a while in the world of his characters - people with disabilities. Their optimism and totally custom look at familiar things will be for you this medicine.
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