The lesson to learn is each

say at once: this is absolutely a true story that occurred in 1967 in California.
Ron Jones taught history in high school Ellwood Kabberle in Palo Alto, California. During the study of World War II, one of the students asked Jones, as ordinary residents of Germany can pretend to know nothing about the concentration camps and mass extermination of people in their country. Since the class ahead of the curriculum, Jones decided to allocate one week devoted to the subject of the experiment.
PonedelnikV Monday, he read a lecture children about the power of discipline. That feels athlete who trains hard and regularly, in order to succeed in any sport. About how many runs a ballet dancer or an artist to make perfect every movement. The patience of the scientist, enthusiastic search of scientific ideas.
Jones ordered students to sit in the position of "attention", as it contributes to better learning. He then ordered the students several times to stand up and sit down to a new position, then also repeatedly told to get out of the audience and silently come in and take their seats. Pupils 'game' like, and they are willing to follow the instructions. Jones ordered students to answer questions clearly and vividly, and they all looked obeyed, even the usually passive students.
VtornikVo Tuesday the teacher entered the classroom and found that all sit in silence in the "attention". Some of the students smiled. But most looked straight ahead with a true concentrated expression, the neck muscles are tense, no signs of smiles, thoughts, and even questions.
Jones explained to the class of the generality. He told the students to chant in unison: "The power - in the discipline, strength - in the community." Students acted with obvious enthusiasm, seeing the strength of the group. At the end of the lesson the students cheer Jones showed that they had to use when meeting with each other, - bent right arm raised to shoulder - and called the Third Wave salute gesture. In the following days the students greeted each other on a regular basis by this gesture.
SredaV Wednesday Jones issued membership cards to all students. No one wanted to leave the room. Thirteen other students went to classes to take part in the experiment. The teacher gave each membership card. Three tickets he placed red crosses and told them to recipients that they are given a special assignment to report anyone who does not obey the rules of the class. However, in practice voluntary denunciation took about 20 people. One of his disciples, distinguished by a large physique and low learning ability, Jones said, would be his bodyguard, and followed him throughout the school.
Three most successful student of the class, whose abilities in the new conditions were not in demand, reported the experiment parents. As a result, Jones called the local rabbi, who was satisfied with the answer that the class is studying German in practice the type of personality. The rabbi promised to explain all the parents of schoolgirls. Jones was extremely disappointed by the lack of resistance, even by adults, the headmaster greeted him salute the Third Wave. By the end of the day the organization was made more than two hundred students. Many reacted to its participation in the third wave with full seriousness. They demanded that the other disciples strict compliance with the rules and threatened those who did not take the experiment seriously.
ChetvergK Thursday class size increased to eighty people. Jones said that is the pride. "Pride - is more than banners and fireworks. Pride - this is what you nobody can take away. Be proud - is to know that you are the best ... That feeling can not be destroyed ... "He explained to the students that they are - part of a national youth program, whose goal is political change for the benefit of the people. "Everything we have done up to now, it has been preparing for the present case. Across the country, teachers recruited and trained youth units that through discipline, community, pride and action could show the nation that the public can be better. If we can change the order in the school, we can change the order in factories, stores, universities and all other institutions. You - a select group of young people who will help the case. If you come forward and show what you've learned over the past four days, we can change the destiny of our people. " Jones told the guards to withdraw from the four audiences and escort to the library three girls, whose loyalty was questionable. Then he told me that Friday at noon on the third wave on television to announce the new leader of the movement and a candidate for the presidency.
PyatnitsaV Friday 200 students crowded into the room. There was no space. Throughout the Third Wave banners hung. Exactly at twelve o'clock Jones closed the door and put on every hour. Friends Jones portrayed photographers circled the audience. "Before including national press conference, which will begin in five minutes, I want to demonstrate to the press, we are prepared." With these words, the teacher gave a salute. In response immediately and automatically hundred hands shot up. He said the motto "Strength - discipline." It was repeated many-voiced chorus. The motto uttered again and again. Each time, the response of the crowd grew louder. In the first five minutes, Jones turned on the TV, but the screen does not appear.
Then he turned to his disciples:
- Listen carefully. There is no leader! There is no national youth movement called "Third Wave". You manipulated, you are pushing your own ambition, and you were in that position in what are now. You are no better and no worse than those of the Germans, which we studied. You thought that you - selected, you are better than those who do not in this room. You sold your freedom for convenience, which give discipline and superiority. You have decided to abandon their own beliefs and accept the will of the group and a big lie.
After that, Jones showed students a film about Nazi Germany. With her discipline, parades and torchlight processions. And the end of it.
ItogPotom Jones concluded: "If we were able to fully reproduce the German mentality, that none of you have never acknowledged that he was the last gathering of the Third Wave. As Germans, you will be hard to admit to yourself that you have come so far. " The students dispersed in a depressed state, many could not hold back tears.
According to the materials: mi3ch
via mi3ch.livejournal.com/2236198.html