Zeroing and general cleaning of his life
The full glass of water does not pour her. This is one of the fundamental principles of any changes. You can not drastically change lives and to rewrite history on his sheet, if we act on the basis of unparsed luggage experience.
Your life will always be a puzzle to gather in the same picture, if you use the same elements, how many times they are not mixed at the start.
Start the conscious creation of yourself and your new experiences necessary to zero.
Not with the purpose of the search is not a declaration of seeing yourself in five years, with the issues of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused about past performances, which also take a lot of energy.
We must start to discard all junk from your life: physical, mental and energy levels.
Uncontrolled last hoarding leads to two things:
Infinite reproduce his past. Life is like a deja vu. slowing the rate of life It is when you look at those who have time to three times more, and do not understand how they get it. Life success and implementation in all areas except at fast speed. It makes sense to clean the life in all three dimensions: past, present, and do not be surprised future. Yes, in your future, too, have piled govnische in the form of beliefs about it, sorry that so directly, but it must also be clear.
I propose to start with this. It is the most objective, here and now. A complete cleaning of the moment of trash already give you a noticeable strength and fresh energy, and it for future reference.
The main thing - to remove from the list of cases all dangling voprosyHochu note here is not offered immediately to polish his real, like a Cinderella, (although it's useful!) - First you need to put things in order and close the "visyaki" even by their zeroing. It is necessary to remove the problem from the waiting list, or run them in the process, if they are stuck there for more than a few weeks. This will give a huge influx of new energy.
And now in more detail. The weekend days will take the ones who really did intend to collect new picture of his experience:
1. musorIzbavlyaemsya throw out all of the debris. To begin with - from your home. Throwing, distribute, carry out the shelter. But not on a "stacked in a box as something brought into the church." And indeed taken away. Do not leave anything in the "expectation».
What is garbage?
That's all you do not use. Let this: everything you have not used during the year (this is a very loyal) should be removed, distribute, sell-throw:
- The clothes you do not wear.
- Most of the gifts, except for those who really create comfort in the interior (in fact it is a smaller part of what you have).
- Unsuitable or old kitchen utensils, appliances.
The more "naroete" so you better. Understand every thing literally every - it is a part of your energy, look at them soberly and take in your new experience only what you need and it will be good. Approach to all things with the question of «Do I want to leave this energy or let in its place will come new?».
The full glass of water does not pour her.
You yourself devoured his glass. What pour, so many will join. Greedy - do not be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter.
In general, spring-cleaning the house - this is a game called "As far as I'm willing to admit a new experience in my life».
How many you throw out, and so ready.
By the way, this applies to all of your spaces, including workplaces in the office, cottage, car, private jet and there you still have. Surprise your colleagues - Uber really on his desk, start a real process of "uncovered».
2. We throw garbage files Kicking - it flowers. It's time to throw out the files! How to spend much time at the computer and in the network? This is also your space, albeit virtual, it is also part of your energy.
We used all stored on your computer. Why throw away? Hard Drive for all enough.
Here the principle is the same: cleansing - a release of energy. Keep only what you like and expensive. Why keep a film that did not like? Why keep some stupid old files? It's a piece of you. Bear with me, knowing that the greater the load, the slower the speed, or give way to the new?
Debriefing requires not only your personal, but also work computer and virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.
3. To restore order, giving things their months is systematize faylyYa never been on the side of strict purity, even long cultivated a creative mess, hiding behind his penchant for art.
Now I will say this: harmonious order (not a fanatic, and systematized, when things have their place) - is the key to good and effective functioning of affairs, especially if it is time to accelerate. You can not change the life of the new speed if on your desktop and in the apartment there is chaos.
4. informatsiyuPoryadok filtering incoming and cleaning also need your flow of incoming information. Generally, it is food for the mind and the quality of work depends on ... your mind. In no other way to tell.
Information intoxication - have you heard? This is a common disease, which infected many people now. They read everything on the network, endlessly make a census of quotations of great people, completely atrofiruya ability to hear the voice of his soul.
We have the ability to accumulate information, it is not going anywhere from our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered. Let alone what is valuable, and immediately start the implementation of the - if it teaches and develops us, otherwise clutter up the channels, creating a powerful information noise. This leads to the commission of errors in the way because of the inability to hear the voice of his soul.
That's why today I recommend to do the following:
Clean your picture of friends. Remove the Friend, the reading of which you will not resonate and inspire you not to.
Clean your walls. Remove or hide those whose news annoyed. Especially those who are fasting from negative world events.
Decide on a set of blogs and websites that you intend to read. My main principle of how to determine for yourself the value of a resource - a response in the soul. When you read something and feel inside out, it's quite perceptible sense of awareness and thirst for action.
And it is in any case should not be a tape on the principle of "I added - I would add, and I will read." No, it has to be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be cleaned regularly and updated with new resources.
5. finish unfinished business or zero ihVazhno to complete all the works from the "expectation": either to transfer them to the status of "in" and really do and do a reset. It is better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I do not do it any more than to drag with them the burden. You have to feel inside, that all things are made, the current processes in the schedule, stale questions remained. This is the "first speed" to come to the question "What do I want from this life?" And move towards conscious change.
In conclusion. The process of general cleaning their present consists of two key elements: getting rid of the junk at all levels and organize your files, including the incoming flow of information.
Adjust your TV so that you receive only high-quality, useful information in moderation, and you will see how to transform your world.
Create yourself again is only possible if you know that the old experience of you in this not an adviser.
And now for the cleaning!
via interesno.co/myself/03bcdc96841c
Your life will always be a puzzle to gather in the same picture, if you use the same elements, how many times they are not mixed at the start.
Start the conscious creation of yourself and your new experiences necessary to zero.
Not with the purpose of the search is not a declaration of seeing yourself in five years, with the issues of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused about past performances, which also take a lot of energy.
We must start to discard all junk from your life: physical, mental and energy levels.
Uncontrolled last hoarding leads to two things:
Infinite reproduce his past. Life is like a deja vu. slowing the rate of life It is when you look at those who have time to three times more, and do not understand how they get it. Life success and implementation in all areas except at fast speed. It makes sense to clean the life in all three dimensions: past, present, and do not be surprised future. Yes, in your future, too, have piled govnische in the form of beliefs about it, sorry that so directly, but it must also be clear.
I propose to start with this. It is the most objective, here and now. A complete cleaning of the moment of trash already give you a noticeable strength and fresh energy, and it for future reference.

The main thing - to remove from the list of cases all dangling voprosyHochu note here is not offered immediately to polish his real, like a Cinderella, (although it's useful!) - First you need to put things in order and close the "visyaki" even by their zeroing. It is necessary to remove the problem from the waiting list, or run them in the process, if they are stuck there for more than a few weeks. This will give a huge influx of new energy.
And now in more detail. The weekend days will take the ones who really did intend to collect new picture of his experience:
1. musorIzbavlyaemsya throw out all of the debris. To begin with - from your home. Throwing, distribute, carry out the shelter. But not on a "stacked in a box as something brought into the church." And indeed taken away. Do not leave anything in the "expectation».
What is garbage?
That's all you do not use. Let this: everything you have not used during the year (this is a very loyal) should be removed, distribute, sell-throw:
- The clothes you do not wear.
- Most of the gifts, except for those who really create comfort in the interior (in fact it is a smaller part of what you have).
- Unsuitable or old kitchen utensils, appliances.
The more "naroete" so you better. Understand every thing literally every - it is a part of your energy, look at them soberly and take in your new experience only what you need and it will be good. Approach to all things with the question of «Do I want to leave this energy or let in its place will come new?».
The full glass of water does not pour her.
You yourself devoured his glass. What pour, so many will join. Greedy - do not be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter.
In general, spring-cleaning the house - this is a game called "As far as I'm willing to admit a new experience in my life».
How many you throw out, and so ready.
By the way, this applies to all of your spaces, including workplaces in the office, cottage, car, private jet and there you still have. Surprise your colleagues - Uber really on his desk, start a real process of "uncovered».
2. We throw garbage files Kicking - it flowers. It's time to throw out the files! How to spend much time at the computer and in the network? This is also your space, albeit virtual, it is also part of your energy.
We used all stored on your computer. Why throw away? Hard Drive for all enough.
Here the principle is the same: cleansing - a release of energy. Keep only what you like and expensive. Why keep a film that did not like? Why keep some stupid old files? It's a piece of you. Bear with me, knowing that the greater the load, the slower the speed, or give way to the new?
Debriefing requires not only your personal, but also work computer and virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.
3. To restore order, giving things their months is systematize faylyYa never been on the side of strict purity, even long cultivated a creative mess, hiding behind his penchant for art.
Now I will say this: harmonious order (not a fanatic, and systematized, when things have their place) - is the key to good and effective functioning of affairs, especially if it is time to accelerate. You can not change the life of the new speed if on your desktop and in the apartment there is chaos.

4. informatsiyuPoryadok filtering incoming and cleaning also need your flow of incoming information. Generally, it is food for the mind and the quality of work depends on ... your mind. In no other way to tell.
Information intoxication - have you heard? This is a common disease, which infected many people now. They read everything on the network, endlessly make a census of quotations of great people, completely atrofiruya ability to hear the voice of his soul.
We have the ability to accumulate information, it is not going anywhere from our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered. Let alone what is valuable, and immediately start the implementation of the - if it teaches and develops us, otherwise clutter up the channels, creating a powerful information noise. This leads to the commission of errors in the way because of the inability to hear the voice of his soul.
That's why today I recommend to do the following:
Clean your picture of friends. Remove the Friend, the reading of which you will not resonate and inspire you not to.
Clean your walls. Remove or hide those whose news annoyed. Especially those who are fasting from negative world events.
Decide on a set of blogs and websites that you intend to read. My main principle of how to determine for yourself the value of a resource - a response in the soul. When you read something and feel inside out, it's quite perceptible sense of awareness and thirst for action.
And it is in any case should not be a tape on the principle of "I added - I would add, and I will read." No, it has to be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be cleaned regularly and updated with new resources.
5. finish unfinished business or zero ihVazhno to complete all the works from the "expectation": either to transfer them to the status of "in" and really do and do a reset. It is better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I do not do it any more than to drag with them the burden. You have to feel inside, that all things are made, the current processes in the schedule, stale questions remained. This is the "first speed" to come to the question "What do I want from this life?" And move towards conscious change.
In conclusion. The process of general cleaning their present consists of two key elements: getting rid of the junk at all levels and organize your files, including the incoming flow of information.
Adjust your TV so that you receive only high-quality, useful information in moderation, and you will see how to transform your world.
Create yourself again is only possible if you know that the old experience of you in this not an adviser.
And now for the cleaning!
via interesno.co/myself/03bcdc96841c