20 of our favorite quotes acute Jeremy Clarkson

now ex-host of the popular auto show Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson has long been known for his sharp tongue, which, they say, you can even shave.
Website has selected for you 20 of the most striking passages Clarkson, who understands life as well as in cars. See for yourself.
I do not understand why we need dedicated lanes for buses. Why do those who have no money, I have to go faster? Unfortunately, clothes are interested in me, but if there is someone. From my perspective, Ferrari - it is simply a scaled replica of the Lord God. In Italy, there is only one speed limit - the maximum speed of your vehicle. Those Russians who can afford to fly a private jet. And those who can not sit in the wilderness, boiled turnips and do not lose hope. The main task of any modern music - ruffle parents. Not long ago I read somewhere about how much is actually paid. And that's what I'll tell you, if I really earn much, I would already have been some kind of a cool boat. The more time passes, the more difficult to call people you have not seen for ages. If you're someone calls after five years, this means two things: he was left without work or without his wife. We all know that small-displacement machine useful than sports cars - as fish oil and useful morning jog. Do not know where I came from Lada, where I went. Or who did it. I can only guess that it was something very evil. British nuclear submarines deemed unsafe ... Why is that? Probably because they do not have a ramp for wheelchairs. America - a 250 million mu * What are the who themselves banned from using the word "mu * AA." The real art like real jeans will never go out of fashion. Is it possible to hear like, "Oh, it's" Mona Lisa. " It has no wheels! "If you bought a 6-series BMW 645Ci, I advise you to go from friends in reverse, so that they did not see the back of the car. The only person on the planet who looked good in the back seat of a convertible four - is Adolf Hitler. Speaking at the table that you just bought a Nissan Almera, - it is about the same as to announce that you have Ebola, and you're just about going to sneeze. When I have insomnia, I take one look at the photo and Toyota Camry - and I sleep like a baby. I met a pretty girl driving a Toyota Prius, charming women on different Peugeot. But why in the Renault ever sit some gargoyles? Speed has never killed anyone, but the sudden stop in the middle of the road ... - that is what kills. This all Russian. We wear T-shirts with the inscription «No Fear». They have written it in his eyes.
Also read his cool article about Russia:
Jeremy Clarkson on Russian
via www.adme.ru/articles/dzheremi-klarkson-o-russkih-586755/
The artist depicted by her husband's car marker
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