15 tips in difficult times by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

writer who gave us "The Little Prince", a military pilot who most dreamed of the world, a man with a big heart - it's all about him, Antoine de Saint-Exupery. In his works, he has put a great love for all mankind and the belief that we can live on this planet in harmony and happily - together and individually.
< Website I believe that the experience can be trusted Exupery.
It is necessary to go through a lot to become a man. Love - it does not mean looking at each other, to love - it means looking in the same direction. Rue received wounds - the same as regret ever born or born at the wrong time. of the past - this is what your real wove. With him there was nothing about it. Take it and do not move it the mountains. They would not budge. You care about the future? Story today. You can change everything. On the barren plain of cedar trees grow. But it is important that you have not designed the cedars, and planted seeds. I appreciate the inexpensive physical courage; Life has taught me what true courage: the ability to withstand the condemnation of the environment. Working only for the sake of wealth, we ourselves are building a prison. And locked in solitude, and all our wealth - dust and ashes, they are powerless to bring us something to live for. You live in their actions, and not in the body. You - it's your actions, and there is no other you. If you love without hope for reciprocity, be silent about his love. In the silence, she will become fertile. You know why the desert is good? Somewhere in her hiding springs. If you go all right yeah right, not go far ... That's my secret, it is very simple: one can see rightly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. Do not confuse love with lust to take over, which brings so much torment. Contrary to popular belief, love does not cause suffering. Torturing instinct of ownership, and it is the opposite of love. You are looking for meaning in life; but it only makes sense that you finally come true. Humiliates the one who himself is low. Although human life is most precious in the world, but we always act as if the world there is something more valuable than human life ... But what?
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