Brad Pitt has built homes for hundreds of families who have lost everything in a hurricane

10 years ago in New Orleans fell the most destructive hurricane in US history, "Katrina", which razed to the ground almost the whole city, claimed thousands of lives and left many families homeless. It's so shocked actor Brad Pitt, he founded the Make It Right Foundation to help victims of the disaster.
Most of the hurricane affected areas Lower Ninety Yard - it almost completely flooded and the building in ruins. At Pitt and collected money fund managed to build 109 homes in the area. The actor hired renowned architects and personally involved in the design of buildings.
House turned out just great: resistant to natural disasters, environmental friendliness, and stylish. The actor from the beginning was not going to do a cheap house, and wanted people, who have suffered enough troubles, get a beautiful and decent housing. Family-settlers simply beside himself with joy.
We are in the Website and admire the generous act of kindness Brad Pitt.

During the work on the project Pitt was well acquainted with the families, who were to settle in the new houses.

Woman on the background of his new home. It stands on the porch of an old house - it was decided to leave them in memory. All the houses are raised above the ground in case of a new flood.

During a hurricane flooded the area almost completely.

Brad Pitt visits the devastated areas, where will build houses.

In order to personally supervise the construction, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in 2005, bought a house in New Orleans and made it their second home.

Actor times arranged a meeting of local residents and architects, which discussed the future of the city and the district. In the picture Brad Pitt stands in the center.

He personally supervised the volunteers ...

... And speaking during charity events to raise money.

When construction began, the actor himself to control it at all stages.

Houses built using the latest eco-technologies and principles of "green" building. On the roofs of solar panels.

And that's what happened: The area is now just do not know. This stylish and modern wooden house. Around job landscape designers.

The area has become a local landmark - the tourists go here to look at this beauty.

All houses have an unusual shape and painted in cheerful colors.

They are built of wood, and each has a veranda.

The rooms are spacious, and the windows let in plenty of light.

Kitchens are well equipped and furnished, each with a good stove and refrigerator.

Pleased with Pitt on the balcony of his house in New Orleans.

Angelina Jolie herself a lot of time and effort pays charity and is very proud of the work that her husband did.

Pitt and Jolie with grateful inhabitants of the new homes.

Actor ordered that the families themselves chose the wall color. And they are all as one, chose joyful colors - yellow, green and blue - a sign of a new beginning, which they were presented.
Photo source on preview: Daily Mail / Kevin Scott
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via www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3200488/Thanks-Brad-Pitt-Ten-Years-Hurricane-Katrina-destroyed-New-Orleans-worst-hit-neighborhood-beautiful-popular-tourist-attraction.html?ito=social-facebook