Elon Musk believes that the need to terraform Mars thermonuclear bombs

According to the entrepreneur Elon Musk, head of Tesla Motors, SpaceX and the other, the best and fastest way to terraform Mars is somewhat thermonuclear charges exploded in certain regions. After such proposals lead one of the show where and opined Musk, the entrepreneur called "super-villain." Of course, a joke.
In response, Musk said that he is trying to do useful things, and terraforming Mars - one of them. Speaking on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert", Musk talking about space travel and the possibilities of the colonization of Mars. Calling Mars inhospitable, Musk suggested two ways of terraforming. The first - the creation of the greenhouse effect through the release into the atmosphere of the respective gases, and the second - the use of thermonuclear weapons.
A first method, according to mask takes too much time. But undermining the thermonuclear charges - a much quicker way. Plus it is also the option of settlement of the Red Planet microbes - it can be combined with any of the methods.
Musk says that Mars - a planet that needs to be repaired. First you need to live under the domes, but in time it is possible to spend terraforming Mars. It should be recalled that before the end of the year the entrepreneur is going to show a prototype spacecraft Mars Colonial Transporter, as well as the suit, which can be used to colonize the Red Planet.

I recall now is the theory that Mars was never warm and wet at the same time. Even if the atmosphere of Mars was indeed much denser than it is now, most of it was lost at the time of the formation of a network of valleys and rivers. At this time, the atmosphere was still dense enough to sustain liquid water, but warm this era can not be called. Most likely, most of Mars was covered not lakes and ice, with occasional snowfalls the rain. And at low temperature, raising the ice melted, followed by the appearance of large amounts of liquid water, forms the valleys. After a while it all over again would freeze.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/262252/
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