The largest in the world makes the air cleaner dust diamonds
Editorial genuinely delighted with this project: beautiful, useful, environmentally friendly, and the output - diamonds! This week in Rotterdam designer Daan Ruzgaard showed the result of three years of work and design: the largest air cleaner in the world. This tower, which cleans dirt more than 30 000 cubic meters of air per hour, and then condenses the particles in the smog "jewels», can serve as adornments in rings, bracelets and more.
The device is called "Antismogovaya Tower." For its operation you need a source of constant energy capacity of about 1,400 watts, and creator of the plans in the future to equip its solar panels.
According to the principle of the tower is not too different from some ionic air purifiers. As he explains Ruzegaard, "sends a positive electrode of ions in the air, they join the fine dust particles. The counter then attracts the positively charged ions with dust particles, which are collected and stored inside the tower. The technology allows you to capture even the tiniest particles of smog, which can not cope with ordinary cleaning systems ».
Ranked in the tower dust condenses, it shrinks from it and obtained crystals jewelry. In theory, if we increase the pressure in the device, antismogovye tower will make diamonds out of the air.
via www.popmech.ru/technologies/205841-antismogovaya-bashnya-samyy-bolshoy-vozdukhoochistitel-v-mire-prevrashchaet-pyl-v-ukrasheniya/?utm_source=popmech&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=public-all-articles

The device is called "Antismogovaya Tower." For its operation you need a source of constant energy capacity of about 1,400 watts, and creator of the plans in the future to equip its solar panels.

According to the principle of the tower is not too different from some ionic air purifiers. As he explains Ruzegaard, "sends a positive electrode of ions in the air, they join the fine dust particles. The counter then attracts the positively charged ions with dust particles, which are collected and stored inside the tower. The technology allows you to capture even the tiniest particles of smog, which can not cope with ordinary cleaning systems ».

Ranked in the tower dust condenses, it shrinks from it and obtained crystals jewelry. In theory, if we increase the pressure in the device, antismogovye tower will make diamonds out of the air.
via www.popmech.ru/technologies/205841-antismogovaya-bashnya-samyy-bolshoy-vozdukhoochistitel-v-mire-prevrashchaet-pyl-v-ukrasheniya/?utm_source=popmech&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=public-all-articles
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