"Any power equally harmful" Oscar Wilde on the superiority of individualism
For the creator of the best no state as takovogoBlestyaschy English writer Oscar Wilde often shocked his contemporaries by their judgments about morality, freedom and beauty. Website T & P cites several excerpts from his essay "The soul of man under socialism", in which he condemns any power over the Creator and glorifies individualism.
Sometimes people ask what the political system best suited to the creator. This question has only one answer - to the creator of the best no state as such. The idea of power over him and his art seems to me nonsense.
The emperor or king could still bend over to pick up the brush of the artist, but when tilted down "democratic society", it does so only in order to throw mud. In fact, it is not even necessary to bend down. But the share of the monarch from the crowd does not make sense - all power is equally harmful.
There are three types of despots. One torturing body. The second - the soul. Third torturing body and soul simultaneously. They call their rulers, priests and the people. On the last government it said already, it is a blind, deaf, ugly, grotesque, tragic, funny, serious and indecent phenomenon. Creator impossible to live together with the people.
«Individualism does not appear in person, along with painful notions of duty, which actually stands for blind adherence to the will of others, or with the concept of self-sacrifice, which represent an attempt to survive the animal mutilation" h4> All despots bribe. People captivates you and leads to a state of brutality. Who prompted him to seize power? They were created to live, to listen and to love. Someone turned the nation into a great evil. They themselves overshadowed imitation of his own subordinates. They took the scepter of the rulers. What are they going to do with him? They took the priest's tiara. How should they carry its burden? They are like clowns with broken hearts. As a priest, whose soul had not yet been born. Let all who love beauty, regret them. Despite the fact that they do not love beauty, let yourself regret. Who taught them to tyranny?

Sometimes people ask what the political system best suited to the creator. This question has only one answer - to the creator of the best no state as such. The idea of power over him and his art seems to me nonsense.
The emperor or king could still bend over to pick up the brush of the artist, but when tilted down "democratic society", it does so only in order to throw mud. In fact, it is not even necessary to bend down. But the share of the monarch from the crowd does not make sense - all power is equally harmful.
There are three types of despots. One torturing body. The second - the soul. Third torturing body and soul simultaneously. They call their rulers, priests and the people. On the last government it said already, it is a blind, deaf, ugly, grotesque, tragic, funny, serious and indecent phenomenon. Creator impossible to live together with the people.
«Individualism does not appear in person, along with painful notions of duty, which actually stands for blind adherence to the will of others, or with the concept of self-sacrifice, which represent an attempt to survive the animal mutilation" h4> All despots bribe. People captivates you and leads to a state of brutality. Who prompted him to seize power? They were created to live, to listen and to love. Someone turned the nation into a great evil. They themselves overshadowed imitation of his own subordinates. They took the scepter of the rulers. What are they going to do with him? They took the priest's tiara. How should they carry its burden? They are like clowns with broken hearts. As a priest, whose soul had not yet been born. Let all who love beauty, regret them. Despite the fact that they do not love beauty, let yourself regret. Who taught them to tyranny?
Individualism does not appear in person, along with painful notions of duty, which actually stands for blind adherence to the will of other people, or with the idea of self-sacrifice, which represent an attempt to survive the animal mutilation. In fact, individualism does not impose any obligation on the person. It grows naturally and inevitably from the man himself. This is the point at which any development begins, where begins the growth of all organisms. This perfection, which is inherent in any lifestyle and can only speed it up.
Thus, individualism does not exercise any compulsion over man. On the contrary, he says that a person is not obliged to tolerate any coercion. It does not require people to be better. He knows that people behave decently when they are left alone. We are now especially developing individualism in the person. To ask whether the practical individualism that still doubt the practicality of evolution. Evolution - the law of life, and it exists only on the way to individualism. If this trend is not, this is due to a delay in development, illness or death.
What is true for art, truthfully and for Life.
No pain or pleasure seeking man, he just needs to live. He tries to live a good, intense, full force. Pleasure - the result of the test of nature, its seal of approval. When a man is happy, he is in harmony with itself and all that surrounds it.
via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/7635-oscar-wilde
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